The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How do I Truly FEEL Grateful?

It is my desire to express how grateful I am for many, many things.  I am just not feeling it right now. Why am I not feeling grateful?  Because my home country is being taken over by a bunch of ultra-selfish, uncompassionate, self-promoting douchebags-of-holding.  Someone in my life continues to disappoint me all-too-frequently.  I know I am capable of more in this life, and yet I am my own worst enemy. Consciousness creates reality.  I write about this three times

How Does Surrender Work?

Surrender has always been a challenge for me. For much of my life, I have been something of a control freak.  Over the years that has grown much more subtle, largely because I’ve been working on being more present and aware in the here-and-now. But I still prefer to be in control.  I do the driving, I choose to take less-than-well-traveled paths, and I prefer to be in control of my own destiny. Unsurprisingly, conscious reality creation is rife with

Can Logic and Emotion Coexist?

Can logic and emotion coexist? There are many times that these two notions seem diametrically opposed.  And yet they do both exist in everyone.  But the balance and conflict between these concepts can be surreal at times. First, a necessary clarification.  Logic, in this particular example, is thought and reason without emotion.  This includes the performance of any number of actions, tangible or otherwise, with no emotional entanglements. To super-simplify this, the root of the issue is heart versus head.

How Does Joy Empower?

Joy empowers us. When we do things that bring joy into our lives, we make ourselves better, stronger, and happier.  Joy raises our frequency, and lets us attract more of the things we truly want for ourselves. Yet we frequently will deny ourselves joy.  Why?  A number of different reasons, of course. First is the external.  In a society so focused on lack and scarcity, we wind up made to feel guilty if something makes us feel joyful.  We begin

Who Controls My Emotions?

Controlling emotions is particularly challenging. In order to manifest anything, you need to think, feel and act upon it.  Thought is only the beginning.  Without emotion behind it, you will remain where you are now. All this week I have been focused on the same notion.  Positivity examined the power of words, and why want, a statement of lack, should be replaced by desire, a statement of abundance.  In Pathwalking I explored how to go about changing feelings.  Altering my

We Deserve It All

I deserve all the good things I desire. Over the last several months I have had a mantra I have recited with much frequency.  I am abundant and prosperous.  I am a good person, worthy and deserving of abundance, prosperity, success, wealth and joy.  Succeed or fail, I am supported and I am loved. Taking an online course offered by Jen Sincero, author if my favorite self-help book, You Are A Badass, she calls this creation a Mantra of Mightiness. 

Do You Believe?

Do you believe in magic? Do you believe that the world is exactly as it is presented to us every day?  Believe that we are all victims of circumstance, playthings of the Universe, and bound by an uncontrollable fate? Or do you believe there is more? I believe that Consciousness Creates Reality.  We have in each and every one of us the power to build a better world.  All of us are capable of becoming amazing.  It just takes the

How Do We Think Individually?

No two people think alike. As I ponder this notion, it occurs to me that if we recognized this fact, we could truly change the world for the better.  If we embraced the differences in how we think, we’d better understand the world around us. Let’s look at the Big Picture.  Those who hold artificial positions of power.  And yes, I mean artificial.  Those who lead our nations, our churches and temples, our businesses are in power because they have

What Does It Mean to Do It?

Do it.  Two simple words that have amazingly tremendous power. There is something to be said for planning.  Some people need plans to do the things they do in this life.  And there is equally something to be said for impulsiveness, too.  Sometimes you just gotta go go go.  But whatever you are looking at, action is required.  That means you have to do it. For many, myself included, doing one thing led to fear that it would or could

Does Optimism Generate Positivity?

Optimism is a good thing. Having an optimistic outlook on life, the universe and everything is at least forty-two times better than not.  If consciousness creates reality, then it goes to follow that if we have a negative outlook, we draw more negativity to us. Optimism and positivity go hand-in-hand.  Both also suffer from a similar stigma.  Many people see optimism and positivity as being pie-in-the-sky, rose-colored glasses wearing ideals.  Sunshine and rainbows, flights of fancy with no roots in