The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What Can We Americans Do About This?

My fellow Americans. It is time to take action.  We are under siege, and we are being terrorized.  Not by some foreign power, not by armed militias in the streets…but by our own President. President Trump is unfit for this office.  If you do not see this for what it is, then I feel rather sorry for you.  This man is in a position of authority and power which he is not just unqualified for, but dangerously uninformed and unprepared

Tell Congress to Act on Our Behalf

  Are you concerned about the actions President Trump is taking?  Do you worry about his possible conflicts of interest, and his ties to Russia, and their hacking of our electoral system?  Are you worried about the apparent instability of President Trump, and his unpredictability, utter lack of tact and decorum, and total disregard of protocol?  Are you concerned about the choices he’s made for his cabinet? If you answered yes to ANY of these question – it is time

Some thoughts on True Things

Truth.  Most of you reading this know it already.  Those who most need to see this, to fundamentally understand it for what it is, probably won’t.  And even if they did, they would likely dismiss this as liberal bullshit, or some such. Mexicans are not pouring across our border as though the dam is broken.  Not by any stretch of the imagination.  Illegal immigrants are not everywhere, and taking your jobs!  This is simply a great big lie. Refugees are

An old-fashioned letter-writing campaign

One non-violent action we can ALL take: We KNOW that Congress is going to repeal the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).  I have never understood why, except that it was an Obama idea and thus an affront for whatever reason. I know a LOT of people who benefit from any number of provisions of the ACA, and who are far too likely to suffer if it is taken away.  There are even more people I DON’T know that will be

Today and the New Year (2016/2017)

Today. Today is.  That’s all, today is a day. The question is, what will you make of today?  How will you treat today differently from how you treated yesterday and how you will treat tomorrow? As we enter into the new year, and we prepare to celebrate the transition from the one to the other, we should all take a moment to consider what last year wrought, both good and bad, and what we might want for next year. This

Thoughts on the results of this election

What happens next? Accept what has happened, go passive and wait to see what happens next?  No.  It is because we have been too passive that the bigots, the racists, misogynists and homophobes now feel empowered.  Every time they march, we need to counter-march.  Every time they spew hate, we need to spew reason and love.  Because we were passive they think they now have a voice.  We can no longer be passive, we need to take the fight right

Election 2016

I am sorry if this offends you, but I feel rather strongly about this, so I am going to say it. This is the reality of the situation.  We have two choices for President.  Trump or Clinton.  Unless you agree with a self-aggrandizing, hate-mongering, sexist, racist narcissist, it is in your best interest to vote for Clinton.  She may well be the status quo, and a corporate shill, but that is of far less import than we give it.  I

Election 2016

I am sorry if this offends you, but I feel rather strongly about this, so I am going to say it. This is the reality of the situation.  We have two choices for President.  Trump or Clinton.  Unless you agree with a self-aggrandizing, hate-mongering, sexist, racist narcissist, it is in your best interest to vote for Clinton.  She may well be the status quo, and a corporate shill, but that is of far less import than we give it.  I

Taking a Stand for Equal Rights for ALL

It is time to take a stand. Full disclosure: I am a white, straight, non-Christian male.  And I believe that EVERYONE deserves equal rights. I do not care in the least if you are white, black, Hispanic, Asian or what-have-you; it does not matter if you are male or female or gender fluid or no gender at all; it doesn’t matter if you are straight, gay, bi, omnisexual or any other option; it is of no matter to me if

An open letter to fellow Americans

Dear America, When did we accept hatred as the standard?  When did we decide that after almost a century of progress it was perfectly ok to allow unrestrained racists, sexists, bigots, misogynists, warmongers and fearmongers to be our leaders again?  When did we decide that it was better to praise and follow the blindly faithful and ignorant rather than the logical and intelligent? How did we get to this place where our choices for leadership from one party includes a

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