The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Do We Think Individually?

No two people think alike.

As I ponder this notion, it occurs to me that if we recognized this fact, we could truly change the world for the better.  If we embraced the differences in how we think, we’d better understand the world around us.

Let’s look at the Big Picture.  Those who hold artificial positions of power.  And yes, I mean artificial.  Those who lead our nations, our churches and temples, our businesses are in power because they have in some way taken it or been placed there.  Each and every one of them is no different from you or I, save artifices like being born into a specific time and place, finding and taking advantages of situations, advancement up a made-up ladder, or even hard work.

ThinkStill, every world leader, business leader, religious leader and politician eats, drinks, sleeps, has likes and dislikes, feels joy, feels pain, and so on.  He or she is no different from you and me when all is said and done.

Yet those “in power” strive to direct how we all think.  Whether it’s a church directing your morals and spirituality, or a politician persuading you that their way is right for everyone, they want to direct our thougths.

These so-called leaders want thousands, if not millions of people to think in the same manner that they do.  While some of their thought processes are positive and empowering, the majority tend to be positive for a limited few, and disempowering to the rest.

History is rife with leaders disempowering the masses to empower themselves and their cronies.  Kings, Popes, Emperors, and Business Moguls all follow the same pattern.  A pattern born of greed, lack mentality, and hoarding anything and everything they can to maintain and increase their so-called power.

Think for yourself and be empowered.

Certainly there is a collective consciousness.  This is not, however, large swaths of people thinking the same.  What it is instead is a large mass of people vibrating at the same frequency.

Everything is energy.  At our core, each and every one of us is a vibrating mass of energy.  Energy occurs at a frequency.  When we think positive thoughts, we vibrate at a high frequency, and negative thoughts vibrate at a low frequency.  Because like attracts like, when we surround ourselves in people vibrating at a similar frequency, we tend to get attuned to one another.

Our frequency is usually a product of feeling derived from thought.  Ergo, rile up enough people in regards to, say, gun control or immigration, and watch what happens.  Play on their feelings of being cut off, disempower them, show them that their slice of the pie is going to be taken and there is a major lack of pie.  And because most people let their subconscious do the driving, they get angry and let their uncontrolled emotions sway their reason, and before long the aggrieved manage to get Trump or worse into power.

This is why being in the here-and-now and aware of what we think and feel is so hugely important.  When we empower ourselves, the efforts of our so-called leaders to disempower us have less effect.

Consciousness creates reality through a combination of thought, powered by feeling, leading to intentional action.  Thought and feeling are much more closely linked together.  Feelings are born of thoughts.  Because we often let our subconscious do the driving, though, because we are less aware of what our thoughts are doing, we generate feelings that can be manipulated by others.  Keep people uneducated and lacking in self-awareness, keep ahold of your artificial power.  See how this keeps happening?

Accept differences in thinking.

When we all recognize that we think differently from one another, and that is not a bad thing, I believe we can build better things.  When we empower ourselves through our awareness of thought, we also gain awareness of our feelings.  This allows us to take control over the things we seek in this life, and allows us to walk the paths of our choosing and grow and learn at our own pace.

Because we each think in our own way, how we approach similar subjects varies.  Perfect example is in my own life.  My wife works for a really, really big company.  As such there is a corporate culture which she must navigate through to get on top of matters, to advance her career, and all sorts of in-place mechanisms for how everything is done.  She thrives in this sort of work environment, and navigates it with the skill of a virtuoso.

When I work for a similar entity, I find the corporate culture makes me uncomfortable.  As a cog in the great machine I get frustrated with inefficiencies, obsolete protocols, and the hoops you have to jump through.  I have a rough time navigating through, and tend to stumble, get angry, and wither in this sort of situation.  My wife and I think very differently about how to work in this sort of environment.

Further, the approach my wife and I take to our marriage is totally different from that of our other married friends.  That stems from how we think about our relationship with one another.  However, our way is no more right nor wrong than that of anyone else…it is simply our way.

How we think makes us each individuals.

We accept that we think differently.  My approach to family and work is different from her approach to family and work, yet we relate to each other well.

All of us think differently from one another.  Period, full stop.  How I think is different from how you think, he thinks, she thinks, and so on.  Rather than become frustrated by this reality, if we would just let go of trying to persuade people that they need to think in the same way we do, we’d all be a lot freer, a lot happier, and ultimately empowered.

I do not write this in order to change how you think.  However, it is my hope that these words cause you to think, because you are only a victim of circumstance when you let yourself be.  You and I may think differently, but that can be the key to new inventions, new ideas, and changing the world into a greater place for everyone.

What are you thinking about right now?


This is the three-hundred twenty-fifth entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas for, and my personal experiences with, walking along the path of life.  I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available here.

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