The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Can Saying No Be Positive?

Saying No is a matter of self-care and empowerment for your life. No is not necessarily negative. This can be an odd concept to wrap your head around, but recognizing the incredible positivity in saying No can open you up to a lot of potential and possibilities. How can No possibly not be negative? This is a misunderstanding of a word that in and of itself has a simple meaning, but that gets turned into a much broader, bigger, powerful

Recognizing the Incredible Positivity of Compliments

There is Incredible Positivity in Compliments These are fundamental building blocks of empowerment that tend to be underused. You are amazing. I think you are awesome. You make me smile. I love seeing you. You inspire me. I think you look fantastic. You are clever and creative. I am really happy to have you in my life! Why is it so hard for people to offer up compliments? For real, how did this become so difficult? Criticism? No problem, you

Positivity in the Moment

Finding positivity in the moment Nobody can be positive all the time, but moments of positivity can be a tremendous boost on your psyche. Why do I write about positivity every week? Because negativity is all too easy to come across, and difficult to resist.   Do I believe you should never feel negative? No. Shit happens. There are days where life sucks. Bad things occur, people get sick and die, friends turn on you – and that’s just the

An Opportunity to Restart

There are many times where options for restarting or starting anew offer you an opportunity to find or create positivity. Today is the start of the Jewish New Year. L’Shana Tovah to all of those who celebrate. Like the Gregorian New Year that we celebrate every January 1st, this day presents a specific opportunity to begin anew, make a fresh start, and as such to find and/or create some new positivity in your life. You get any number of calendar

Recognizing the Limitations of Your Path

Many limitations are artificial and can be overcome…but not all of them. For the most part, you are told that there are an overwhelming number of limitations in this life. In order to do ‘X’ or to be ‘Y’ you must come from money, have the right connections, be beautiful, or meet some other standards – or else you are limited. If you do not meet these standards you are unworthy and undeserving and the limitations will keep you down

You Get to Practice Kindness Daily

You Get to Practice Kindness Daily Like many things in life, this is a choice. All too often, I encounter stories about the terrible things certain people are doing to other people. They are mean, selfish, unkind, inhumane, and often rather astounding. It makes me wonder when it became acceptable to be rude, discourteous, and otherwise inconsiderate? The when doesn’t really matter. What does matter is that I know that I am capable of acting in a way to turn

Age, Like Time, is Relative

Age is only a number and as such has whatever meaning you assign to it Today is my birthday. I love birthdays. They are personal holidays, and I have always been a fan of celebrating them. This is your unique, singular Happy New Year. Birthdays can be an incredible source of positivity. Some people see them this way. I know I do. But some people see birthdays as an increasing reminder of their pending mortality. Every year marks another year

Four Hundred Weeks of Pathwalking

Four hundred weeks of Pathwalking – the passage of time can be surreal. Just before the start of 2012, I determined that I needed to write more. One way to do so would be to blog weekly. My blog website, The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, had been up since April of 2010. From time to time I was posting there, but not regularly. Determined to make a New Years’ Action, rather than a flabby, easily disregarded resolution, I chose

Using Attitude Shifters for Positivity

Creating and Using Attitude Shifters for Positivity When you use mindfulness to consciously create your reality, positivity can be a real game-changer. Positive thinking is not everything. You cannot just think positive and change your life. There needs to also be feeling and action to create change. However, having a positive attitude will help. This is because like attracts like – consciousness creates reality. Therefore, if you think this is stupid, impossible, and cannot be done – that’s probably your

Getting into Your Element

Getting into your element involves finding and entering a positive place to recharge your mind, body, and spirit. Everyone has a place or places that they like to go to in order to reset. I am not talking about taking a trip or vacation, or even a huge amount of time. No, this is all about discovering your element and spending time there. What is an element? For me, my element tends to be the outdoors. I love hiking, the

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