The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Life is Absurd

Life is absurd. Recognizing the overall absurdity of life helps with understanding this. Do you ever pause and look at the world way outside of yourself and think, isn’t this bizarre –or-wtaf? People get all in a tizzy about variations in skin color, choices in lovers, which god/gods/goddesses to worship or not, invisible borders, civility, and basic human decency. It is just so crazy, so illogical, so…absurd. Then perhaps you look a little less far afield. The sun and clouds,

You Are Worthy, Deserving, and You Matter

You are Worthy, Deserving, and You Matter In our fear-based society, this is an important fact to find, maintain, and grow positivity from. One of the most positive things you can know is that you matter and that you are worthy and deserving of finding, having, and/or creating an amazing life. I know that life is seldom easy. You and I are in a constant struggle with forces both internal and external to get from here to there. But that

Nobody Can Be “On” All the Time

Nobody Can Be “On” All the Time Even when you are walking your chosen path, this includes you. Working on walking your own path in this life takes time and energy. A lot goes into the necessary mindfulness and positivity required to consciously create your reality. But for all that work, and with all the time and energy invested, you still need to take breaks and pause along the way. I know some people who seem to only ever have

The World is Not on Fire

The World is Not on Fire Despite appearances, the world is not, in fact, burning down. There is no denying that we are living in trying times. The amount of hatred, anger, indignity, and negativity you and I encounter on a daily basis is utterly staggering. If you give this too much attention, it becomes far too easy to see the world as being on fire. Whether the dumpster fire is Trump, Brexit, corporate greed, climate change, or what-have-you, it

Am I Being True to Myself?

Am I being True to Myself? How does that even work, and what does it mean? For the second time, I am listening to Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles. This is a most outstanding analysis of the writing process, and facing off against what Mr. Pressfield calls “Resistance.” What is resistance in this form? Resistance is the intangible something that whispers in your ear and gets in your way

Avoiding Overwhelm While Remaining Informed

To avoid overwhelm while remaining informed is not easy, but utterly necessary for finding and maintaining positivity. Let’s be perfectly honest here. The world you and I live in today is complicated, and all-too-often full of fear, lack, scarcity, and overall negativity. All you have to do is scroll through social media. Doing so, you will see memes and links to articles about any number of terrible things going on. It can be thoroughly disheartening, infuriating, annoying, maddening, and all

The Philosophy of Pathwalking

I would like to explore with you the details of my personal life philosophy – Pathwalking. When I first began to write about this idea, it was just meant to be a weekly post to my blog. I needed a topic, so I decided to begin to write about how I seek to make my own way in life. The name Pathwalking came about for two reasons. First, because of the idea that life is an ongoing journey, so you

The Big Picture Can Be a Trap

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The distraction of big picture matters takes away from how the little things can be hugely positive. It is all too easy to neglect the little things in this world that make you feel positive. Especially when so many bigger picture issues will totally produce the opposite effect. Every day you are bombarded by fear, lack, and scarcity across social media, the news, and even among friends

How does Gratitude Empower You?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Gratitude is an important aspect of positivity, abundance, and empowerment. Why is gratitude so important? Because feeling thankful leads to feeling fulfilled. Fulfillment through gratitude empowers you. Feeling empowered opens you up to mindfulness, which in turn opens you up to conscious reality creation. When you can consciously create your reality, you can achieve dreams, goals, and aspirations. And when you feel fulfilled, that feeling of completeness

Positivity is an Attitude

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Positivity is an attitude It goes way beyond thinking and feeling – this is a whole-self attitude. For many years, the power of positive thinking has been hoisted towards the top of the self-help flagpole. While it can be very helpful to think positively, it isn’t always sustainable, because negative things can and will happen, and should not be disregarded. But positivity is not just a matter

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