The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What Can You Offer to the World?

The world is full of potential and possibility. But what have you got to offer to it? For years, I asked myself – what is my purpose in life? I know I am not the only one who has asked this question. For a long, long time – the answer was unclear. However, I am pretty sure that this is because I was trying to figure out how to fit inside a box that I was not ever going to

The Negativity is Loud

While the negativity is loud, is it NOT more abundant than positivity. There are a lot of terrible things happening in the world today. The deluge of information makes us feel uncertain, scared, confused, angry, and almost every-other negative emotion you can conjure. It can be hard to believe that there isn’t more negativity than positivity in the world today. That’s not the truth, however. There are more good/positive things in the world – and in your life – than

Speak Up and Be Heard!

The silent majority CANNOT remain silent. The time to speak up and be heard is NOW. I recently read an article that lamented the massive social collapse of the United States. To say it was depressing and disheartening barely covers it. It did make one very important point to me. The silent majority must no longer be silent. We can’t keep reacting to what is going on in this country. It is time to be proactive. Before it’s truly too

Choosing to Be Still

I don’t like being idle and still – but it is a healthy choice from time to time. Just about every day of the week I have something to do. Work here, writing there, deadlines, projects, cleaning, and so on. For a long time now, I have taken a great deal of pride in my ability to do more than one thing at a time. Multitasking has been a skill I’ve bragged about in cover letters and resumes for most

Achieving Balance with Positivity

Now, more than ever, we need to find and/or create positivity just to recover balance. Spend any amount of time online at all and you will be practically drowned in negativity. Between COVID-19, social unrest, horrific politics, greed, corruption, world affairs, and all the rest of the happenings of 2020 – it is simply too much. So much uncertainty, so many things making little to no sense. Fear and anger at levels I’ve certainly never experienced before. The scales of

Kindness is a Superpower

How to make use of kindness and save the world. People are scared. Confused. Distressed. Bored. Uncertain. We are living in a period of confusion where we are watching opportunists do awful things in the name of lining their pockets and disempowering certain groups and individuals – while at the same time seeing heroes risk their lives to help others alongside many practicing incredible care and mindfulness. The news media loves sensationalism. So they are going to share the images

Where Do We Go From Here?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind. Where are we going and how will we get there? What we are all experiencing as a result of COVID-19 is unprecedented. The shut-down, social distancing, isolation, and self-quarantine on a national scale are awkward. On a global scale, it’s downright frightening. The world has slowed way down. Most people understand the necessity of this and the stay-at-home orders from local leaders (as opposed to the always conflicting disinformation from the top – in

Nobody Can Predict the Future

Nobody can predict the future, and this can be frustrating for many people – but it can truly be a good thing, too. When you woke up today, you may or may not have had a plan. Perhaps you have a daily routine that you will be following, and the expected outcome of that is fairly constant. You know who you are, you know what you will be doing…and then something happens. Your car breaks down. Someone you know has

How Do Positivity and Toxic Positivity Differ?

The difference in how each variant of positivity works comes down to reality. I am a huge proponent of positivity. That should come as no surprise. However, I also believe that you cannot just live on positivity. Bad things occur, shit happens, and you cannot just avoid, deny, or neglect that. The notion of toxic positivity is to deny and ignore the negative. Gloss it over, pretend it is not there. But that’s not realistic in any way. Life is

This Is Good Because…

Finding the good in the middle of the bad. The current reality in which we are living is distressing, depressing, uncertain, and confusing as all get out. None of us have experienced something like this in our lifetime. The global pandemic has us taking extreme measures. We are sheltering in place, social distancing, and severely limiting how much time we spend in public, even of necessity. (Or at least – we should be.) Yes, there are some for whom nothing