The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Monday Morning Choices

Monday morning.  For most of us, a new work week lies ahead. How do you face it?  Do you sigh, grumble, gear yourself up to take on challenges, deal with problems, and slog through the next five days?  What do you expect of the coming week? Despite our routines, we still get to choose our approach.  I began to write Positivity on Mondays because I am constantly bombarded with negativity in regards to the standard work week.  Here we go

Positivity: Community

Community is about finding belonging. We all want to belong.  We all want to find a place where we can have our people, surround ourselves with the like-minded to share experiences.  That is how you form a community. Some communities are wide-ranging and spread out over a broader spectrum of interest, like a specific city or town.  Some are more specific, like a religious institution.  Some are particularly specialized, like a club or volunteer organization. It’s certainly possible to be

Positivity: Never Too Late

It is never too late. You are only too old, too poor, too uneducated, too uninformed, too fat, too short, too little or too much if you believe it to be true.  So, too, is the concept of being too late untrue. Time is only an illusion.  Our perception of time is frequently shifting, changing, and though we look to clocks and calendars, we see and feel it to be fluid and unexpected. Ever notice how there are times when

Positivity: Escape from Reality

Sometimes you just need to escape from it all. There are times when you feel so overwhelmed, you just need to get away, escape from your life, escape from your routines, and try something different. As you are reading this, I am on a vacation in a place I have never been to before, with the medieval reenactment society I have played with for over twenty-five years now.  Yet the majority of the people I will be with will not

Positivity: The Future is Not Yet Written

The future is not yet written. This is one of the most amazing, positive truths we can face.  Why?  Because it means that everything is still negotiable, and that even if we find ourselves on a less-than-desirable course, we can change it. It is easy to get caught up in believing that the future is set in stone.  Lots of people work very hard to sell you on the notion that there are limited possibilities for the future, and that

Pathwalking 170

Lack of focus makes manifestation difficult, if not impossible. One of my biggest issues with creating the life I want and really, truly walking my path is a lack of focus. I know what I want to do, I have the idea of how I want my life to be…but I can’t focus enough on the here-and-now to make this happen. Last week I wrote about removing negativity from my focus. To do this I stated three steps: 1) Don’t

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I am particularly adept at identifying my own faults. I can see what I am doing wrong, I can see how I am choosing poorly, I am completely aware of my errors and mistakes. I am my own greatest critic. While there is validity in being able to see and own up to your imperfections, it is of greater importance that you do not let them linger. It is very easy to berate myself. It takes as little effort to

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You are not unsupported. Even when you are walking your own path, you are never completely alone. You have supporters, you have resources available to you. I have spent a great deal of time with people not understanding my choices. There have been many along the way who did not nor could not understand what I was about. And I will be the first to admit that it may have behooved me in the past to have paid greater heed

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Your mileage may vary. The twists and turns and obstacles and successes and failures we endure as we walk our paths may be similar, but will not be the same. No one but me is inside my own head. I’m all alone in here, and I am in control of this body, I am in control of the choices available to me. When all is said and done I am empowered to do good or bad, be happy or discontent,

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What is it I want from my life? Where do I want to take this path to? Who do I really want to be? Now that I have identified the real fear that causes me to sabotage myself, that being the fear of loss, what chances do I want to take that would lead to succeeding or failing? What is it I want to gain from my success or failure? This is a very hard question for me to answer.