The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 164

How do you determine if you are your own saboteur? This is a topic unfortunately near and not-so-dear to my heart. This concept has reared its ugly head on more than one occasion for me, and represents a major obstacle in my works to manifest the life I truly desire to have. How do you sabotage yourself? This is something I have been trying to figure out for much of my life now, and I believe that getting at its

Pathwalking 163

Whose path is it anyway? It never ceases to amaze me how many people try to tell us what is right for us. How many people will tell you that their way is the way, and yours is not. It can be terribly disconcerting, and disheartening. Believe me when I tell you that nobody but you can choose the right path for you. There are numerous forces in the world that would far prefer you disempowered, and taking the path

Pathwalking 162

How do I know if I am on the right path? I am actually pondering this question myself. I am feeling uncertain, and I am finding myself having a hard time with being in the here-and-now as I need to be. Let me share with you my own, personal path as I am walking it now. Today is February 4, 2015. I began the notion of Pathwalking three years ago in January 2012. When I started this concept I was

Pathwalking 161

What happens when you run out of choices? The truth is, you never run out of choices. However, sometimes a situation reaches a point where the options available to you all appear to be undesirable. We forget that we are currently the product of our past thoughts and actions. Who we are at this moment is directly related to who we have conjured ourselves to be. What does that mean? If, as I regularly posit, consciousness creates reality, then what

Pathwalking 96

The future is unwritten. The future cannot be known.  It can be surmised, it can be analyzed, it can be guessed at.  But it cannot be known. Living for the future can be nearly as dangerous as living in the past. Once again I am talking about the extremes.  Like black and white, love and hate, up and down, past and future are the extremes of time.  Last week I explained why the past is past, and living in the

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