The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why do High Frequencies Matter?

What is the importance of high frequencies?

To put it simply, high frequencies feel good and draw good things to us.  Low frequencies feel bad, and draw bad things to us.

Despite having broken this down before, I believe that it totally bears repeating.

Everything throughout the entire cosmos is energy.  From the smallest subatomic particle to the biggest galaxy, it’s all energy.  Along the way energy changes form, sometimes taking tangible shape but frequently remaining intangible.

High FrequenciesWhether you believe in some form of higher power or not, both science and faith will tell the same thing, just using different language.

Energy vibrates at different frequencies.  Because of the nature of human beings, those frequencies can be changed and adjusted.  Overall, they are tied into our emotions.

Things that feel bad, such as sadness, depression, anger, hatred, jealousy and so on are low frequencies.  I think the fact that we often call this “feeling low” puts that into perspective.

Things that feel good, such as happiness, joy, satisfaction, love, sharing and so on are high frequencies.  All of these feelings are positive, and make you feel better, stronger, more up, more perspective.

The Law of Attraction states that Like attracts Like.  As such, high frequencies attract more high frequency things.  And on the other side of the same coin, low frequencies attract more low frequency things.

Ever notice how when a lot of people are feeling bad, they tend to pull more people in?  Conversely, when a lot of people are feeling good they tend to pull people in.  But this is not just about people.  Because everything is energy, and it all vibrates at various and sundry frequencies, we draw good and bad experiences, situations, and things to ourselves.

High frequencies are building blocks

The best way to develop more high frequencies for ourselves is to build upon them.  It’s from these experiences that we can manifest almost anything we desire.

Consciousness creates reality.  Ergo, awareness builds life.  Being aware of how you feel builds your life, for good or ill.

For the most part, we live our lives mostly in our subconscious.  There are a lot of reasons I can think of for why this is so.  A lot of it comes from some rather mixed messages.  Society points us back to the past and ahead to the future, frequently ignoring the here-and-now.

Because we spend so little time in the now, we are mostly working from our subconscious selves.  We do the things we do, go about our daily routines, and maybe take a little time to just be.

When we are wholly present, we can be completely aware of our thoughts and feelings.  If we are thinking about bad things, we are likely feeling bad, and thus working from low frequencies.  But, if we are having good thoughts and feeling good, we are working from high frequencies.

Our subconscious tends to be attuned either to the collective consciousness of those we surround ourselves with; or else thoughts about something from when we were more conscious at an earlier time.

How does that work?  If we read something online that makes us feel bad, and don’t replace it with something good before moving on, it can inadvertently drive our subconscious.  If we remain unaware of this, we cede control.

High frequencies create building blocks for better things for ourselves.  Low frequencies, on the other hand, tend to take things apart.

When we feel good, we are capable of more good.  This extends not just to ourselves, but out to the whole world.

High Frequencies are positive

While low frequencies are the negative, and high frequencies positive, there is a huge amount of grey in the middle.  Between these are neutral energies that haven’t any charge in either direction…but can be drawn to either build good or bad.  This is part of the choices we have every day.

Do we choose to be in a bad place, or a good place?  Are our thoughts negative, or positive?  Do we feel good or bad?  What actions are we taking that reflect this?

If we are taking care of our bodies, reading material that feeds our minds, eating healthy, and making time for laughter, friends and love – this is high frequency action.  However, if we are not caring for our bodies, reading the equivalent of junk food or not-at-all, eating garbage, and isolating ourselves or making excuses to be solemn, alone and down – this is low frequency actions.

It is all about choices.  We can decide which frequencies we want to vibrate at.  This is why it is massively empowering to be aware of our thoughts and feelings, because from there we can do almost anything.

Make it awesome.  Choose wisely.

Are you working from a place of high vibrations?


This is the three-hundred forty-third entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas for, and my personal experiences with, walking along the path of life.  I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available here.

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