The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Do I Empower My Reality?

I need to empower my reality.

Every week I write about how consciousness creates reality.  I get into detail, and explore the various ways in which this works.  This is something I have been developing and exploring for many years now.

The grand idea behind this is the Law of Attraction, the idea that like attracts like.  When we take our thought, power it up with feeling, then use that to act intentionally, we do the work to manifest reality for ourselves.

Empower my RealityMany others have written about this idea.  I have researched, explored, listened to and read numerous books and courses in this notion.  Further, I have succeeded at creating the reality I desired on more than one occasion.

In many respects, at this present moment, I have the life I could most desire.  There are amazing people who make up my friends and loved ones; I am writing and blogging; my job features great hours, great coworkers – doing something I desire to do; I have a home that includes an incredible office from which I can compose this work; my health is good and improving; my finances are stabilizing.

It’s a pretty good reality.  But it is not the end-all-be-all reality I desire.  I know I am capable of more, that there are greater things I can accomplish.  I need to empower my reality, and start exploring new ways to grow.

Reality, like power, is an illusion.  What we have now is not the product of who we are, but rather who we were.  In this moment, we are who we are because of who we were.  The thoughts, feelings and actions or inactions we took leading to the now are what brought us to here.

Whether this place is good, bad, or indifferent, it is changeable.

Why should I empower my reality?

A great deal of the illusion of reality comes from subconscious thoughts and feelings.  When what we have is not precisely what we want, usually it’s derived from the subconscious, rather than the conscious.

This is why, rather than the illusion of power projected at us by outside sources, we need to work on empowering our power.  You and I have the ability to build almost anything we set our minds to.  When we are aware, in the here-and-now, we can consciously create a new reality.  A reality we desire to live in.

Those who think they have power hold it from a place of lack and scarcity.  They see it as pie, and there is not enough pie to go around, so they must hoard it.  Except the Universe is actually a place of amazing abundance.  There is more than enough pie to go around, in part because we don’t all desire the same kind of pie.

Because so many outside forces work at disempowering us, we are each able to choose to empower ourselves.  However, this can often feel like a hell of a challenge.

Personal and impersonal bad news is disheartening.  Watching people try to burn the world down for their own selfish reasons is infuriating.  This reality, from that perspective, kind of sucks.  What happened to kindness, compassion, and basic human decency?

Hence why I need to empower my reality.  Rather than keep accepting this garbage from the world around me, knowing I am able to manifest better, I need to work with that.  When I empower my reality, I give myself the ability to create something wonderful.  Good enough is not good enough, not when I can have more.  And when I have more, I will also have more to give.

How will I empower my reality?

The simple answer is that I need to choose to empower my reality.  I need to decide that this reality, though good, is not good enough.  I need to make myself uncomfortable in a number of ways in order to effect some real change.  Break my so-so routines, and develop better, more effective habits.

It is also really important I not berate myself when I do not accomplish the things I want to do.  But I know I need to chunk it down better into bite-sized chunks.  I need to work on the little bits and pieces that make up the greater sum total.  Little things add up, so I need to do better with those.

To truly empower my reality, though, it’s important to be more aware.  When I am aware of my here-and-now, I can do a much better job of getting ahold of my thoughts and feelings.  In so doing, I can work on being less aggravated by that which is beyond my control, and focus on my personal reality.

No better time than the present.  There is work to be done.  As always, thank you for crossing the bridges between my worlds with me.


This is the ninety-third entry of my personal journey, the Crossing the Bridges series.  My collectively published writing can be found here.

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