The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Is There an Albatross Around Your Neck?

Is there an albatross around your neck?

What does that even mean?  First, the albatross has been a sign of good luck to sailors for centuries.  As such, killing one is considered to be bad luck.  In the old poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, because the narrator killed an albatross, his fellow sailors made him wear it around his neck.

As such, it references the notion that you have a burden weighing you down.  Similarly, people refer to a monkey on your back or a black cloud over your head.  There is this thing that is causing distress, holding you back, and stalling or stilling progress in your life.

There has been a particular albatross around my neck for nearly a decade. It has been the cause of discontent, anger, consternation, distress, discord, and a host of other negative emotions.  This has also been the cause of some other, more tangible issues in my life.  It has impacted on my family, and our relationship all this time.

Finally, after all that time…it is over.  The burden has been lifted, the resolution has come about, and finally, finally I can free myself of this.

Albatross Around Your NeckI did not recognize this for what it was until it was pointed out to me.  I mean, I know it has been the cause of a wide number of emotions for me over the years, but an albatross?  Yeah…this makes perfect sense.

Consciousness creates reality.  But when there is a burden on your psyche, whether tangible or intangible, it will affect your reality, even as you try to control it.

This illuminates why awareness is so important.  Sure, I have worked on being more aware, but I didn’t see this for what it was.

Get to know the albatross

This burden has been weighing down on me for a long time.  Despite all my effort at conscious reality creation, it has been a part of me that I did not recognize for what it was.  As such, it has had an impact on everything I have been doing.

No matter all the manifestation efforts I have been making, or the bridges I have been striding across, it was still there.  An underlying shadow of negativity that, because I could not see it for what it was, impacted my whole existence.

It’s not always just old childhood lessons, issues and beliefs that can have an effect on who we are in the here-and-now.  It is sometimes closer than we know.

I think this stresses to some degree the value of therapy.  Maybe if I had been seeing a therapist, I would have identified this sooner.  But the past is passed, so now I need to be here and take stock.

With this burden lifted, I am free.  Now, perhaps, I will find conscious reality creation gets easier.  No more distress, no more underlying anger and resentment.  Clearer mind, clearer heart.  Freer thoughts, freer emotions.

Let the albatross fly

The albatross is good luck.  So, now that it is flying instead of lying across my neck, I should be more capable when it comes to directing my own life.  I will be able to make choices and decisions that are not being shadowed by this burden.

It has not fully sunk in yet.  You carry something around for a decade or so without full acknowledgement, I guess it is no wonder that I am still processing this.  The timing was such that I will be on vacation shortly, so much reset happening.

I should be able to focus better on doing more to be happy, and make adjustments to work with higher frequencies better.  This big negative is gone…so there is a lot more room for big positive.

As always, thank you for crossing the bridges between my worlds with me.


This is the ninety-sixth entry of my personal journey, the Crossing the Bridges series.  My collectively published writing can be found here.

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