The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Do I Change How I am Feeling?

To change anything in life, changing what I am feeling is the key. Conscious reality creation requires thought to begin, feeling to fuel the flames, and intentional action to ignite them.  For me, altering feeling is the toughest part of this. Last week I got to see Jen Sincero, author of You Are a Badass, speak.  Like her books, she was an inspiring speaker.  Unlike many of the other authors I have read or listened to, she manages to really

Three Ways to Live Life

There are, in my opinion, three ways in which we can choose to live life.  There are, as such, three realities people place their lives into. I have written about this before in previous posts, but I think it bears exploring further. Yes, I acknowledge off the bat that these are generalities.  But let’s also face another fact: everyone is unique.  We all think, feel and act differently from one another.  The processes that go into this vary, and though

We Deserve It All

I deserve all the good things I desire. Over the last several months I have had a mantra I have recited with much frequency.  I am abundant and prosperous.  I am a good person, worthy and deserving of abundance, prosperity, success, wealth and joy.  Succeed or fail, I am supported and I am loved. Taking an online course offered by Jen Sincero, author if my favorite self-help book, You Are A Badass, she calls this creation a Mantra of Mightiness. 

What Will You Do Today?

Today will be what we make of it. Whether you begin your day feeling refreshed or sleepy; excited or anxious; with apprehension or confidence – today will be what you and I make it out to be. It is easy to forget that each day brings about something new.  Yes, there are routines to every single day of our lives.  We wake, we do stuff, we sleep.  Frequently, we simply allow the day to just happen.  We do not accept

How Do We Think Individually?

No two people think alike. As I ponder this notion, it occurs to me that if we recognized this fact, we could truly change the world for the better.  If we embraced the differences in how we think, we’d better understand the world around us. Let’s look at the Big Picture.  Those who hold artificial positions of power.  And yes, I mean artificial.  Those who lead our nations, our churches and temples, our businesses are in power because they have

Is It Beneficial To Be Optimistic?

Keeping an optimistic outlook is anything but a weakness. In today’s society, we have a lot of ugly, unpleasant things that get our attention.  Further, we are frequently told that it is important that we “be realistic”, and keep low expectations.  Keep your head down, go to work, do the things, go home. Dreamers are often scorned or shunned for believing that there is more to this life.  We frequently look at people with a sunny disposition or optimistic outlook

How Do I Be Who I Want To Be?

Be who you want to be. Do not wait for the right time, the right situation, or whatever perfect storm you desire.  Be who you want, right now.  Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, be who you want to be. I have spent a good part of my life struggling with my own identity.  This has come in a lot of different forms, but it has mostly been a combination of being indecisive about who I am, concerns about

What Decisions Are You Making?

Decisions are an important element for moving life forward. As Pathwalking involves choosing direction for one’s life, an absolutely necessary element of any choice is decision making. Making decisions can be terrifying for people.  Why?  Because many of us tend to overthink.  We second guess, fear that if we choose wrong we, or someone we care about, might suffer.  Or we might possibly miss out on something better. Deciding can be intimidating because it feels final.  The finality of the

How Can Anticipation Serve You?

Anticipation can be a double-edged sword. One the one hand, it can be exciting, full of thrill and unknown wonder.  On the other hand, it can be nerve-wracking, full of dread and unknown horror. Anticipation is an emotional response to a situation ahead of us.  As such, like all the other emotions we can feel, we can determine HOW this will feel. Pathwalking is about choosing for ourselves our own, individual way.  It is living life to the fullest, making

How Does Love Matter?

Love is far simpler than we tend to make it. Storytellers across the ages have been informing us that love is this grand, complex, amazing thing.  And while it certainly can be, in truth it is much less grandiose. I have frequently written here about the ability we all possess to manifest the things we want in life.  We are, at our ultimate core, energy.  Energy vibrates at various frequencies.  Low frequency vibration draws low, negative things to us.  High

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