The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How is Communication Key?

Communication is key.

It is super easy to take this for granted.  Sure, people talk, they attempt to converse with one another…but all too often, they don’t truly communicate with each other.

What’s the difference?  Communication is a two-way street.  Everyone involved both talks and listens.  There is a certain amount of give-and-take, which will take different forms depending on the people involved.

Many of the problems in the world today could be resolved if there was actual, factual communication.

Most interpersonal matters would be easier to deal with if we communicated with one another better.

CommunicationWhat winds up happening is that people talk.  They express opinion, say their peace, and then close down.  Once they have closed down, communication is already over, because they are not holding up their end of the process.

I have seen a lot of people who are great speakers.  They express themselves and their opinions…but they are lousy at communication because they do not reciprocate in kind.  Communication is not just giving information, it is also receiving it as well.

Yes, we might not agree about the topic at hand, but that does not mean that we cannot communicate about it with one another.  We can each speak and listen, thus give and receive, and we can converse, debate, discuss, or even argue a point.  So long as we continue the exchange of give-and-take, we have established communication.

If, however, one of us only gives or only receives, we are not communicating.

A lot of people fail to recognize that when you are a participant in a conversation, you both give and receive.  Neglecting to be in the conversation requires more than just hearing.  You also give it life, with thought, emotion, and possibly action, too.

Communication can be internal as well

It may be a bit surprising to realize that communication is not always between two or more people.  It can also be with the self.

I have written about self-talk many times in the past.  Sometimes, we do not listen to ourselves, and what we think about who we are.  As such, we are not communicating.

How does that work?  When I hold a lot of thoughts and ideas in my head, and think them out, while many aspects are feelings and impressions, the mind ascribes words to them as well.  If I do not pay attention to the words, or “hear” them, then I am not holding up my end of the conversation.  Thus, I am not communicating with myself.

This might seem rather silly, but it’s actually rather important.  How we think of ourselves we will generally turn into self-talk, which we need to recognize, and to all-intents-and-purposes, hear.  When we cannot communicate with ourselves, how can we expect to be able to have communication with others?

Consciousness creates reality.  What you think about and put feeling behind you will manifest.  If, as you self-talk, you do not think well of yourself, i.e. I am fat, unattractive, suck at making money, and so forth – it’s highly likely you will manage to manifest these things.

Consciousness is awareness.  When we are aware of how we communicate in our own minds, we can pay attention, and change the conversation.  Thinking, ok, I hear that, but actually I am getting fit, look good, and I can totally make money or such, it’s a higher probability that you will manifest that instead.

Self-talk is frequently subconscious.  It is dialogue, lacking in conversation, because it is one-sided.  Bringing it to consciousness, however, turns it into communication.

Communication foments change

If you look at current politics in the United States in particular, matters are extremely polarized.  Each side tends to think they are right, and talk and talk all over one another.  They prattle on, call each other names, express some truly ugly platitudes at one another…but there is no communication.  It is extremely one sided, as each side talks but neither tends to listen.

Everyone has opinions.  This is a part of human nature.  But that does not mean that we should be utterly closed minded.  Yes, if you try to convince me that the Earth is flat, I am going to do my best to explain why you are completely mistaken…but if I do so without hearing you out, letting you have your half of the communication between us, there is no way you will get anything from what I might say.

Of course some people are so stubborn, even after communication they will not change an opinion, even when you can totally prove them wrong (sorry, flat-earthers, the planet IS spherical).  But you can still engage them, and in time maybe effect some change.

When all we do is talk at one another, but fail to listen, we are not communicating.  When we communicate, and hold a two-or-more way dialogue, we build bridges.  We can consciously create a better reality, and make changes for good.

Interpersonal communication takes many different forms.  Yet no matter how you communicate, so long as you recognize the need to both talk and listen, you can make an effort to work almost anything out.

How are you at communication?


This is the three-hundred thirty-sixth entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas for, and my personal experiences with, walking along the path of life.  I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available here.

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