The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Getting Myself Consciously and Subconsciously Aligned

I know my goals – short and long term – now I just need to get aligned. When I was 9 years old, I wrote my first work of fiction. It was 50 pages and illustrated – and I got a tremendous sense of accomplishment from creating it. Over the years, I continued to write in fits and starts. While I knew my passion was writing, I bought into a whole lot of the notorious lies about it. Most writers

“Us” versus “Them” Is A Lie

The impact of “us” versus “them” harms our life paths. All of us live inside this society to one degree or another. Thus, all of us are equally subjected to a particularly damaging lie. The artifice of “us” versus “them.” All too often, this is used by those in “power” for control. They create “laws” supposedly intent on protecting “us” from “them.” All you have to do is look at the United States right now. Voter laws, anti-transgender measures, the

Whose Life is it Anyway?

Are you living life for you – or someone else? As children, our parents have a lot of expectations of us. But a great deal of this – particularly when we’re young – is beneficial. For example – saying please and thank you, sharing toys with other kids, overall good manners, and punctuality are qualities you carry with you all your life. As you get older, teachers have expectations of you. Learn what they are teaching, do your homework, meet

The Evolving Philosophy of Pathwalking

As I evolve, my philosophy of life is evolving, too. And I embrace that. Change frightens people. What’s worse, there are too many examples of people “in power” using the fear of the unknown that change might bring about as a weapon. Hence, on the one hand, you have progress. On the other hand, you have attempts to go backward. You cannot undo or redo change, whether it’s subtle or monumental. Yes, you can certainly resist – which can be

The Wheel is Yours

There’s tremendous positivity in taking control by taking the wheel. I used to be something of a control freak. Truth be told, I haven’t entirely let that go. For example – when we take a trip, I like to be the driver. There are several of my friends – and my wife – whom I have no problem taking the passenger seat to. But given the chance – I prefer to drive. Most people, I believe, desire at least a

You Control Your Mind

How you perceive everything – positive or negative – is yours to control. I don’t know that I can fully put into words the tremendous positivity that comes from you being in control of your mind. But I’m going to try. First – please accept this statement: Human beings are animals. Our brains, however, have evolved beyond the simplicities of survival and propagation of the species. We can dream of new wonders beyond the comprehension not only of the rest

Better is Always Possible

One aspect of positivity is that better is always possible. When things are bad, they can – and generally do – get better. Maybe not immediately. Certainly not as quickly as you might prefer. But they can, and will, and do. Because consciousness creates reality – this is something to be mindful of. When your thoughts and feelings are mostly subconscious, seeing better in a negative or even neutral situation can be challenging. But when you practice mindfulness and are

Small Positives Add Up

All the little, small positives you encounter are huge. Positivity comes in all shapes and sizes. Often, we look at these “big picture” notions and ideas of the world. Lots of people spend a tremendous amount of time focused on these things. Hyperfocused. And that makes it easy to get drawn into them. It’s great to be in the know. I totally advise it. But there is a difference between informed and inundated. Yes, you should know all about the

Positivity Empowers Everyone

But beware of toxic positivity. I strive to be optimistic and positive. Because I am human – and I have good days and bad days – I don’t always get it right. There are days it’s hard to get out of bed and face what’s coming. They’re not frequent, but they happen. Further, things can and do occur during a given day where you might get thrown off your game. Just over seven years ago, I get onto Facebook on

Balancing Mindfulness Within and Without

Nobody lives in a vacuum. Balancing mindfulness within and without provides perspective on this. The last four years – at least here in the United States – have been tumultuous. One of the biggest takeaways from all that has transpired has been a new impression of people. We’ve seen some of the best of humanity – as well as some of the worst. There have been amazing examples of generosity, love, caring, kindness, and compassion. But then, there have also

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