The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

The Wheel is Yours

There’s tremendous positivity in taking control by taking the wheel. I used to be something of a control freak. Truth be told, I haven’t entirely let that go. For example – when we take a trip, I like to be the driver. There are several of my friends – and my wife – whom I have no problem taking the passenger seat to. But given the chance – I prefer to drive. Most people, I believe, desire at least a

Balance for Yourself and Those You Love

Nobody is truly alone in this life. There needs to be balance for yourself and for those you love. The paths I have chosen to take for my life are mine alone. They have similarities to the paths others take – but they are still unique to me. However – I am not a single solitary figure. I have a wife, friends, and family I love deeply, and various people and responsibilities I have taken on. So, while living my

What is Situational Awareness?

Situational awareness is the knowledge of others and how they impact you and vice versa. As much as I love fencing and one-on-one combat, I have an equal love for melee combat. Melee combat, for those unfamiliar with the concept, involves combat between two or more fighters against like or greater numbers. The dynamics of combat change dramatically when the numbers increase. Tactics for two-on-two differ from one-on-one. Now multiply that by a LOT. Tactics for dozens versus dozens are

The Negativity is Loud

While the negativity is loud, is it NOT more abundant than positivity. There are a lot of terrible things happening in the world today. The deluge of information makes us feel uncertain, scared, confused, angry, and almost every-other negative emotion you can conjure. It can be hard to believe that there isn’t more negativity than positivity in the world today. That’s not the truth, however. There are more good/positive things in the world – and in your life – than

Mindfulness to Create Positivity is NOT Selfish

It is not selfish to use mindfulness to create positivity. Being aware of yourself makes you more aware of everyone and everything else, too. I do not doubt that many people see the idea of mindfulness practice as selfish. Putting your self-awareness ahead of others is counterintuitive nowadays to how good people approach life. I would argue that mindfulness is certainly not selfish because it helps you to be even MORE aware of others. Why? Because mindfulness starts at you

How Can Saying No Be Positive?

Saying No is a matter of self-care and empowerment for your life. No is not necessarily negative. This can be an odd concept to wrap your head around, but recognizing the incredible positivity in saying No can open you up to a lot of potential and possibilities. How can No possibly not be negative? This is a misunderstanding of a word that in and of itself has a simple meaning, but that gets turned into a much broader, bigger, powerful

Why Be Mindful?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Why is being mindful all the rage in the self-help world?  I can tell you that there is more than one answer, and they are likely all right, and all wrong at the same time. The concept of mindfulness and being mindful takes in a lot of different approaches.  Meditation, psychiatry, self-help and philosophy all apply the idea in order to better ourselves and enrich our lives.

What is Selfishness?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Selfishness is not what you think it is. This can be particularly challenging, because a great deal of the way in which we perceive our universe attributes much to selfishness.  And while there are certainly some tremendously selfish people out there, much of what people see as selfish is not. I want to begin with a broad definition of what selfishness is NOT.  Selfishness is not taking

Are You Good to Yourself?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   You are the only you that there is.  Be good to yourself. Too many of us get caught up in the world around us, and as such tend to neglect ourselves.  We are concerned for our coworkers, friends, family, and loved ones long before we are concerned for ourselves. The irony of this is that when you are good to yourself, you are more capable of being

How Does Self-Motivation Work?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Self-motivation is a particularly challenging topic. This is something that is problematic for nearly everyone.  However, if you are dealing with depression, and/or anxiety, it can be even more difficult. What IS self-motivation?  It is finding our own inner-resources in order to motivate ourselves to do things.  Sometimes they are big things, sometimes small.  Finding motivation generally begins with the self, though we frequently go out-of-our-way to