The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Important is it for Me to Know Who and What NOT Be?

It’s just as important for me to know who and what not to be as who and what to be. Let’s just get this out of the way, shall we? Let’s quote some Hamlet from Shakespeare, “To be or not to be – that is the question.” The question as I am posing it today is more specific, direct, and less philosophical than Hamlet’s query. I share what I do about mindfulness, conscious reality creation, positivity, and the other work

Is It Possible That I’m Wrong About Positivity Empowering People?

Yes, I might be wrong about positivity empowering people. If I am, I’m open to learning how and why. One Monday morning, in February 2014, I logged into Facebook. I was immediately bombarded by similar messages. Today is going to suck. I hate Mondays. What fresh fuckery will I deal with this week? Back to the terrible grind. And similar negative messages. Wow, I thought. So much negativity. I wonder what I can do about that? Thus began my Monday

Head and Heart – Thoughts and Feelings – Speak Different Languages

Head and heart are often tied together. But thoughts and feelings are very different. Lots of people have made this observation over the years. The head and heart – thoughts and feelings – can be in vastly different places, and often don’t speak the same language. I’ve written about this a lot over the years. The head and heart can often conflict because of how much they differ. This is one reason why people will do something they know –

What’s a Kinder, More Compassionate Way to Not Give a Sh*t?

The answer to how not to give a sh*t more kindly is the theme for my 2022. For all the work I’ve done over the years to not let the opinions, ideas, and perceptions of others matter that much to me – I still care too much about it. As such, often I am concerned in the back of my subconscious about the impression I make on people. How does what I do impact them? Here’s the problem – I

Recognize and Embrace How Change Makes Rather than Takes Everything?

What change makes is literally everything. There is only one constant in the entire Universe. Change. Change will always happen. Sometimes it is so glacially slow and microscopically small that it seems not to be happening. Other times it’s cataclysmic, sudden, and ginormous. Either way – change is. It’s constant, unstoppable, and ineffable. Without change – nothing we know would be. In the words of Marcus Aurelius, “Is any man afraid of change? Why what can take place without change?

Do You Accept What is or Choose What Could Possibly Be?

What could possibly be is less improbable than you might imagine. I frequently use the phrase “it is what it is”. What I often fail to realize is that while the intent of saying “it is what it is” is to avoid argument and debate – it can also empower unwanted things. That additionally denies potential and possibility to accept what is. Admittedly, my regular use of this is to end debates with my mom. Sure, it often cuts short

Is It Empowering to Acknowledge That I Know That I Don’t Know That?

Recognizing that I don’t know that opens me to options to learn, grow, and control change. There are some things I know a lot about. And there are even more things that I know a little about. This can be both incredibly useful – and slightly dangerous. Useful, because I perceive what I realize to the extent that I know it. Be it something I know a little or a lot about – what I already discern has limits. There

The Positivity or Negativity of Your Actions Are Your Truth

What your actions reflect – positivity or negativity – is the truth of your life. Nobody but you is inside your head, heart, or soul. Thus, nobody but you ever knows what you are thinking, what and how you’re feeling, or the intentions behind actions you take. Your actions, however, are how others can see what, where, how, why, and all else in concert with who you are. Your actions are how the outside world sees your inside self. This

The Only Mind You Can Positively Change is Your Mind

Why not focus on positively changing your mind for the better? Spending any time at all browsing social media can be infuriating. Any encounter with news sources – legitimate or not – can be disheartening and depressing. Between the ongoing fight with the COVID-19 pandemic, seriously disruptive and destructive politics, entitled people being awful, and various other world events – it’s easy to lose sight of our own lives. No matter what side you fall on in any given discussion

Can Making Choices and Doing What’s Best for You Harm Others?

Doing what’s best for you might harm others – but that’s likely beyond your control. When I was younger, I crowned myself the King of Indecision. I lived perpetually at a crossroads between two points. So that I wouldn’t make the wrong decision, I frequently made no decision. No decision, no harm, right? Wrong. By not making choices and deciding for myself how my life should be – I was the plaything of the Universe. Life lived me – save

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