The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Am I In An Open Cell But Unable to Leave It?

This is all about trauma, change, and the reality of what comfort zones are. Life is crazy. So much is happening out there, is it any wonder we’re all losing our minds? Here’s my personal dilemma. My therapist and I have seen numerous ways that I’ve improved my life. Overall, I’m in a really good place. Yet, for some reason, I feel stuck. The reason? Because somewhere in the back of my brain, I feel like I’m missing something. What

It’s Bad, But How Bad Is It?

It certainly feels bad, but all is not as it seems. It’s impossible not to recognize that things are bad in many ways for many people. On a big-picture level, there’s the awfulness of the current state of the Israel/Palestine dispute, the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, a United States Supreme Court that cares more about the religious beliefs of a few over science, not to mention a candidate for President who should be in prison for a lot of

Communication Is Never Just Words

Communication styles vary in many ways. It’s never just the words you use. Even the written word can convey a degree of tone, intent, and attitude. Communication is a complex mechanism of expression employed to convey ideas. It’s how you and I can share notions, agree and disagree, and expand (or, frankly, shrink) our overall knowledge base. Communication can be both internal and external. When you are thinking about this, that, or the other thing, you’re communicating in your head.

How Do Your Choices and Decisions Make You, You?

Why are choices and decisions so powerful? You’re bombarded with frequent, loud, often overwhelming messages about conformity. Do this, be that, follow the herd, or get voted off this island Earth. Contribute as expected or be judged as lacking, wanting, and less-than. Formal schooling is all about learning how to learn for the first 6 years or so. Then you start applying that to the actual gaining of knowledge but to a lesser degree. Facts, figures, and things necessary to

Why Does Everything Come With A Lesson?

Learning is essential to your life experience. Everything you do, everything that just happens, every experience you have, anyone you meet, anywhere you go, will teach you a lesson. Some lessons don’t manifest immediately, others are instantaneous, and still others appear one way but turn out to be another. Even the greatest minds to ever live, the smartest, wisest, and most educated on the planet today, and those who are yet to come can’t and don’t know everything. Nobody can

Why Does Your Approach to Life Matter?

Your approach is a choice that determines if you merely survive, simply exist, or thrive. The status quo never lasts. Never. That’s because change is the one and only constant in the Universe. Like it or not, work with it or ignore it, you cannot avoid it. Change can, will, and does happen. Recognizing this is huge. Accepting it is even larger. Everything you know is subject to change. If you don’t believe it, apply it to yourself. Are you

When Is It Okay to Say No?

Nobody but you can answer this question. All around us, there are messages recommending that we say yes. Say yes to new experiences, new people, new opportunities, and on and on. What’s more, “yes” has become associated with positivity and “no” with negativity at the most basic levels. The result we tend to experience from this is that, often, saying “no” is seen as selfish, undesirable, and utterly negative. When you say “no” you close doors rather than open them.

Does Anything We Do Matter?

Yes. Everything you do matters. To and for you. The world is a crazy place. Here in the United States, the Presidential election is about to start. Caucuses, primaries, debates, and a whole host of lengthy, largely unpleasant bullshit will be dominating the news cycle over the coming months. Due to the probability of the GOP running a traitorous criminal as their candidate – and showing time and again that ethics matter way less than winning and having control –

Finding the Positivity In the Holidays

For all the good, many get overwhelmed by the not-so-good. For some, this is the best time of year. Starting with Halloween, then moving on to Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and then New Year’s Eve/Day, this is their favorite time of the year. However, that’s not so for everyone. Many people find this time of the year frustrating, a reminder of pain – whether physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or all the above – and many other negatives. Also, the utter bombardment

Do You Know That You Are Capable of Truly Amazing Things?

Don’t sell yourself short. One of my favorite lines from the original Star Wars, though Han Solo said it at the time in extreme arrogance, in another context resonates with me. “Sometimes I even amaze myself.” Here’s the thing. Do you have even the slightest inkling of what you’re capable of? Beneath your conscious mind, but not entirely connected to your subconscious mind, you have truly incredible capabilities.   For some, this manifests in obvious ways. Such people are empaths,

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