The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Current Thoughts and Feelings Are Changeable

Thoughts and feelings are changeable. Whatever you are thinking and feeling is yours, and yours alone, and there is positivity in your power to change them as you desire. Today is a grey and chilly day. As I sit here at my desk, pondering what to write about, drinking my 3rd mug of coffee, I am feeling some trepidation and dis-ease. It’s not that I am feeling negative – I just am not feeling a topic in the positivity realm

Be You for You, Not for Them

You should be you for you and not for them. It is perfectly acceptable to put yourself and your paths in life first. When you are striving to find, create, and live a life of your own choosing, be sure that you are doing it for YOU, and not for someone else’s belief in who you are or who you should be. It is not a bad thing, nor selfish, to put yourself first in your own life. Yet you

How Can Saying No Be Positive?

Saying No is a matter of self-care and empowerment for your life. No is not necessarily negative. This can be an odd concept to wrap your head around, but recognizing the incredible positivity in saying No can open you up to a lot of potential and possibilities. How can No possibly not be negative? This is a misunderstanding of a word that in and of itself has a simple meaning, but that gets turned into a much broader, bigger, powerful

The Positivity of Common Ground

Finding common ground is an excellent way to develop pathways of positivity. Do you like feeling negative? Does anyone actually prefer to feel angry, frustrated, sad, distressed, and unhappy? I know don’t…and based on an utterly unscientific analysis of my friends, I really think that, generally, nobody does. The world is overflowing with various entities finding and creating divisions among people. Whether physical or not, pretty much all divisions among people are completely artificial. Sure, there are different genders, skin

How Do You Know What Your Best “You” Is?

How do you know what your best you is? This is one of those paradoxes that are super-simple yet infinitely complex. I am a firm believer in the notion of conscious reality creation. I am convinced that I am empowered to take my personal illusion of reality and shape it to best fit me. There are a lot of challenges and obstacles along any given path, but rather than let life live me I want to live life. So I

Doesn’t Everyone Know That/Can’t Everyone Do That?

Just because you know something and can do something easily doesn’t mean that’s how it is for everyone. The written word comes easily to me. I sit down at my keyboard and start tapping away, the words come and my thoughts take me to many interesting places. Some of those places are totally fantasy, invented of characters, situations, and places in my head. These get turned into my works of fiction. Others become articles about mindfulness, conscious reality creation, positivity,

Recognizing the Limitations of Your Path

Many limitations are artificial and can be overcome…but not all of them. For the most part, you are told that there are an overwhelming number of limitations in this life. In order to do ‘X’ or to be ‘Y’ you must come from money, have the right connections, be beautiful, or meet some other standards – or else you are limited. If you do not meet these standards you are unworthy and undeserving and the limitations will keep you down

Four Hundred Weeks of Pathwalking

Four hundred weeks of Pathwalking – the passage of time can be surreal. Just before the start of 2012, I determined that I needed to write more. One way to do so would be to blog weekly. My blog website, The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, had been up since April of 2010. From time to time I was posting there, but not regularly. Determined to make a New Years’ Action, rather than a flabby, easily disregarded resolution, I chose

You Will Walk More Than One Path

You Will Walk More Than One Path Though it may seem daunting, this is a really good thing. When you are working with conscious reality creation and choosing a path for your life, it is important to recognize that there is not just more than one path, but that you will choose different paths at different times. But this is a very good thing. Why? Because what you desire for your life in your twenties is not going to be

Life is Absurd

Life is absurd. Recognizing the overall absurdity of life helps with understanding this. Do you ever pause and look at the world way outside of yourself and think, isn’t this bizarre –or-wtaf? People get all in a tizzy about variations in skin color, choices in lovers, which god/gods/goddesses to worship or not, invisible borders, civility, and basic human decency. It is just so crazy, so illogical, so…absurd. Then perhaps you look a little less far afield. The sun and clouds,