The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 162

How do I know if I am on the right path? I am actually pondering this question myself. I am feeling uncertain, and I am finding myself having a hard time with being in the here-and-now as I need to be. Let me share with you my own, personal path as I am walking it now. Today is February 4, 2015. I began the notion of Pathwalking three years ago in January 2012. When I started this concept I was

Pathwalking 161

What happens when you run out of choices? The truth is, you never run out of choices. However, sometimes a situation reaches a point where the options available to you all appear to be undesirable. We forget that we are currently the product of our past thoughts and actions. Who we are at this moment is directly related to who we have conjured ourselves to be. What does that mean? If, as I regularly posit, consciousness creates reality, then what

Pathwalking 98

Life is meant to be lived in the here and now. Over the past several weeks this has been the central theme of this blog.  But one thing I have not gotten into in depth is – How?  How do you live in the here and now? I have been working on this for the past two years, as I have been working to walk my own path.  Along the way I have encountered new discoveries and lessons which I

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