The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity is an Attitude

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Positivity is an attitude

It goes way beyond thinking and feeling – this is a whole-self attitude.

For many years, the power of positive thinking has been hoisted towards the top of the self-help flagpole. While it can be very helpful to think positively, it isn’t always sustainable, because negative things can and will happen, and should not be disregarded. But positivity is not just a matter of thinking positive or feeling positive for that matter. Positivity is an attitude.

attitude of positivity Mindfulness involves being aware of what you are thinking and what and how you are feeling. This can help you to consciously create your reality, and to recognize why you are where you are. It is in mindfulness where you can shift your whole attitude towards positivity.

What is an attitude? defines it as: (noun) manner, disposition, feeling, position, etc., with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation, especially of the mind.

Orientation of the mind. When you become mindful, you become aware of your ideas/perceptions and emotions. One of the reasons this is desirable is because when you gain awareness of thoughts and feelings, you gain influence and control over them.

But it goes beyond that. Your mindfulness also grants you the ability to orient yourself and your overall approach to life, the Universe, and everything.

You probably know someone who lights up the room whenever they are around. They are always a force of nature, and people are naturally drawn to them. Conversely, you likely also know someone who darkens a room whenever they are around. They might also be a force of nature, but it’s like they’re always under a black cloud, and everything is a trial and/or tribulation. Both of these are examples of attitude.

There are multiple attitudes that fall under positivity.

An attitude of gratitude/an attitude of confidence

Another word for attitude is approach. This is all about how you orient your thought processes. For example, you approach a given situation from a place of can’t, impossible, and problematic – or – a place of can, possibility, and potential. That is what an attitude is all about. How do you approach your day? How do you approach your life?

There are other attitudes of positivity. Gratitude, confidence, possibility, excitement – if it is a positive attitude, it’s an aspect of positivity. The idea of positivity is all-encompassing and represents potential for change, redirection, choices, and decisions to take your life in whatever direction would make you feel most alive.

positivity is an attitudeBeing mindful of your overall attitude is imperative because it is all too easy to get pulled off track. How many people begin the work week dreading Monday morning? When you pay a visit to Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media outlet you can see just how many unpleasant, negative posts and memes people put out there.

When you are not being aware of how you are thinking and what and how you are feeling, your subconscious, seeing all that negativity, can shift your attitude before you know it.

Positive thinking is not useless, but alone it’s not very powerful. Thought is but one small portion of attitude. How you think is just the beginning – how you feel and act make up your attitude. Positivity is an attitude that will take your day, week, and whole life in a given direction.

Fortunately, you get to choose what direction that will be.

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Finding an attitude of positivity is not hard, but it does require action

Knowing that you can use mindfulness to gain influence and control over your attitude, you can choose to use positivity as your overall approach.  When you are aware of what your overall attitude is, you gain the ability to orient your life to make it as meaningful as possible, and as such you ultimately empower yourself.  When you feel empowered, you become more aware and mindful and tend to spread that feeling to others around you. As such, you can build more positive feelings and an attitude of positivity.

You can use the positive feelings this generates to dissolve negative feelings. When you eradicate negative feelings, you open up space to let in more positive feelings, and that is something you can be grateful for.

Gratitude leads to happiness.  Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude.  An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of positivity that begets even more good energies – and that, like you, is always worthwhile.

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This is the two-hundred and seventy-ninth entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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