The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity is Not Selfish, Is It?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Positivity is not selfish. I recognize that in the face of the world today, and all the insanity nationally and internationally, seeking out positivity for yourself may seem like a selfish notion.  With so many people facing adversity, cruelty, devastation, tangible and intangible bad things, doesn’t it make you selfish if you seek positivity and good things? No, because there are limited things we can all do

What is Self-Help?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   The key to self-help is right there in the name. Self.  Help.  As in you help your self. Ironically, despite this idea of working with ourselves to help ourselves, people still seem easily inclined to give up their power, and turn to others to improve their lives. There are certainly plenty of times where we need the help of others.  Doctors can treat illnesses and prescribe needed

You Know This

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Positivity is better than negativity.  You know this already. Why?  Because positivity is good.  Good can be applied to any number of things in your life, both tangible and intangible. Negativity is bad.  Bad can be applied to any number of things in your life, both tangible and intangible. When it comes to feeling, I think I can safely say that most of us desire to feel

Can Logic and Emotion Coexist?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Logic and emotion can coexist, but it is often in a form of détente. Logic and emotion are another term for thought and feeling, two of the necessary ingredients for conscious reality creation.  In order to manifest anything we desire in this life, we need to begin it with thought, empower it with emotion, and then get it moving with intentional action. For many people, though, logic

What Is Tenacity?

Tenacity, like patience, has never been my strongest suit. One of the keys to succeeding at reaching the destination of any given path, though, is tenacious resolve. What does it mean to have tenacity?  It is best described as the ability to stick-to whatever you are trying to make happen.  I often picture this as a dog with her jaws fastened to a stick she just will not relinquish.  She would rather hold onto it then let it go, even

How does the use of I AM matter in Crossing the Bridges?

There are actions I can take, right now, to change my life. The challenge with this is in mindfulness.  While the action I am looking to take is relatively simple, it requires a great deal of mindfulness. I have written before about the power of the words I AM.  These two little words will ultimately define me, in the here and now, in absolute and specific ways.  I AM is far more powerful than the retrospective I WAS or the

Can I Cross These Bridges? Dreaming vs Doing

I am afraid to do the thing I should do. Afraid is not actually the correct feeling, however.  At least, not in the face of logic.  Maybe, the more correct thing here is I am concerned about the consequences that would come of my doing the thing I know I should do. What is the elephant in the room?  My job. I have a decent, reasonable paying, low-pressure job. The hours are okay.  The commute is generally not problematic.  This

What it means to Cross the Bridges – Different Aspects of My Writing

I love writing. I have been writing since I was 9 years old.  Wildfire was sci-fi, 50 hand-written pages long and illustrated by yours truly.  The basic premise: the grown-ups of the world allowed this mad scientist to create robots, who took over everything for everyone.  The adults got fat and lazy, the kids got distraught over this so they rebelled, stole a bunch of military hardware, created a base in the walls of the Grand Canyon, and in time

Crossing the Bridges: The Why of my Blog

Why do I blog? Recently, a webinar I viewed took me to an unexpected place, and I began a course to learn new ways to earn money as a blogger.  I mean, this is something I love rather a lot, so why shouldn’t I be earning a living doing this? One of the questions the instructor posed is, Why do you blog?  This is an interesting question, and the answer to it caused me to realize that this whole blog

Crossing the Bridges: Finding Joy

What brings me joy? Sunlight.  Writing.  Reading.  Time with my wife.  Time with my friends.  My cats.  My niece and my nephews.  Driving with the windows down and the radio blasting.  Helping other people. I want more joy in my life.  I want to spend more time happy, excited to greet the day and write my stories and share my blogs and do everything I can to make at least my corner of the world the best place that it

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