The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

One Thing Every Day

Doing just one thing, every day, for yourself, is unselfish. Today will hold many things. Some will be expected and predictable while others will be unplanned and variable. Today will be a day. You have the ability to make certain choices that will direct your day, influence it, and could change your experience in any number of ways. Practicing mindfulness and being aware, in the moment, of your thoughts, feelings, and actions can take any given day and alter its

There Is No One Philosophy for All

There is no one philosophy for all. It doesn’t matter what you do or do not believe, there is more than one philosophy out there. When I began to write about the notion of Pathwalking for conscious reality creation it did not start out as my personal philosophy of life, the Universe, and everything. But over time, that’s what it has become. Yet my philosophy has taken much of its tenets and ideals from the philosophies and life ideas of

Opinions Are Like Assholes

Opinions are like assholes…everybody has them, and many smell like crap. But you can also wash them and wipe them clean. It is my opinion that consciousness creates reality. I believe that the practice of mindfulness and becoming aware of what you are thinking and what and how you are feeling is how you become conscious for reality creation. It’s my opinion that positivity raises your inherent energy levels and opens you up to finding and creating new and better

Be You for You, Not for Them

You should be you for you and not for them. It is perfectly acceptable to put yourself and your paths in life first. When you are striving to find, create, and live a life of your own choosing, be sure that you are doing it for YOU, and not for someone else’s belief in who you are or who you should be. It is not a bad thing, nor selfish, to put yourself first in your own life. Yet you

Recognizing the Incredible Positivity of Compliments

There is Incredible Positivity in Compliments These are fundamental building blocks of empowerment that tend to be underused. You are amazing. I think you are awesome. You make me smile. I love seeing you. You inspire me. I think you look fantastic. You are clever and creative. I am really happy to have you in my life! Why is it so hard for people to offer up compliments? For real, how did this become so difficult? Criticism? No problem, you

Finding What is Needed on the Path

I am exploring finding what is needed on my path. Just because I know the path does not mean I am completely enlightened. I know where I desire to take my life. When it comes to who I am and who I desire to be, I am completely aware of both locations and the complexities of building the bridge between them. So here I am, more than 7 months into writing full-time, and I am still trying to figure out

Pathwalking 404 – Path Not Found (Not Normal!)

I Am Not Normal I know it, embrace it, and love who it makes me as such. When my wife and I first began dating, I think it may have been the second date when she looked at me and said, “You are an unapologetic geek.” “Yup.” I had, long before, accepted how much of a geek I am. This has been a recurrent theme across my life. There was, of course, a time when I didn’t accept this aspect

You Are Worthy, Deserving, and You Matter

You are Worthy, Deserving, and You Matter In our fear-based society, this is an important fact to find, maintain, and grow positivity from. One of the most positive things you can know is that you matter and that you are worthy and deserving of finding, having, and/or creating an amazing life. I know that life is seldom easy. You and I are in a constant struggle with forces both internal and external to get from here to there. But that

Doing, Positivity, and the Life You Desire

Doing opens the door to having. Positivity is a key to that door. Do you have a dream? A goal? Is there something that you really want to make/have/or be in your life? What are you doing to make it happen? When I was a kid and saw The Empire Strikes Back for the first time, this line from Yoda always resonated with me: “Do, or do not, there is no try.” Yoda was not, by any stretch of the

Is Thinking Overrated?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Thinking is not overrated What a lot of people tend to neglect is that thought is the beginning of anything and everything.  Thinking drives the Universe, gives us new and exciting creations, and changes the world in wondrous ways. At least, it should.  All-too-often, though, thinking gets poo-pooed.  There is currently such a backlash against intellectualism that logic and reason are taking a constant backseat to zealotry

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