The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What if Suffering is More of an Honest Thing than a Bad Thing?

You keep using that word. Maybe it doesn’t mean what you think it means. In our fear-based society, probably the thing we fear the most is suffering. Realistically, more often than not, the fear of suffering is far worse than any suffering is or will be. Allow me to prove this to you. Have you ever had a boss or a loved one say, “We need to talk,” with no context? Did you then start to become concerned about what

I’m a Human Being – Sitting at My Desk, Fingers on My Keyboard

A new mindfulness realization dawns on marble head. My therapist told me about a book called Clinical Dharma: A Path for Healers and Helpers by Dr. Stephen Dansiger. She said it had been helpful to her, and she thought it would be helpful to me. In this book, the author talks about applying Buddhist principles to clinical practices – and beyond. Specifically, this relates to the Noble Eightfold Path. Some of it has resonated with me, some not as much.

Do You Think You’re the Only One Feeling Uncertain?

Spoiler alert – you’re not the only one. Though we tend not to talk about it in this way – COVID-19 changed the world. First, we learned that many people, in the face of a public health crisis, will take extraordinary steps to protect themselves, those they care about, and even total strangers. We also learned that many people will take advantage of a public health crisis for personal gain, are horridly selfish, self-centered, and that they couldn’t care less

When You Get to the End, Will You Celebrate or Regret?

Life is full of choices both made and not made. No matter what happens between now and tomorrow, your life will come to an end. Sorry if that’s a very downer statement. But it’s a simple truth for everyone everywhere. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, your social status, wealth or lack, or any other factor you can think of. Life ends for everyone. You can look at this as a real bummer. You may also

The Positivity of Being Your Truest Self Isn’t Easy

But it’s totally worth it – because you are worth it. Are you your genuine self? Maybe, like me, you’ve worn different masks in various situations. This was the “self” you presented to specific audiences, for diverse reasons. One mask at work, one at school, one for friends, one for family, one in private, one in public. Group ‘X’ of people you spend time with get one mask, while group ‘Y’ gets another. There’s nothing evil, dishonest, or deceitful in

Have I Really Got This or Am I Just Fooling Myself?

The answer is yes – and wholly dependent on me and my actions. As I’m writing this, I’m preparing to take my annual trip to the gargantuan medieval event in SW Pennsylvania. However, leading up to this point has been quite probably one of the craziest years I’ve experienced in a long time. Let me sum up 2023: At the start of the year, I was recovering from COVID; we learned my mother-in-law had a terminal brain tumor; and my

Why Is It That Uncertainty is Always So Certain?

How can you recognize, accept, and even find positivity in uncertainty? I’ve written time and again that the one and only constant in the Universe is change. It’s the only constant, but by no means the only universal truth. There are others. These include the fact that every single person on the planet – you, me, and everyone – will experience these three things: Birth, life, and death. The simplicity of this notion can feel harsh to some. But on

It’s Okay (And Normal) Not to Be Mindful All the Time

Nobody can be anything all the time. Please allow me to make this blanket statement: The one and only constant in the entire Universe is change. You have experienced change in your life before – and you will experience it again. The child you were, the teen you became, and the adult you (probably) are now represent change in you and your life. Some elements, beliefs, values, and habits might be the same or similar. But they’ve still come up

Do You Face Your Fears or Live Life Afraid?

This is always a choice. And the choice is always yours. About the only certainty in life is uncertainty. No matter what and how you plan, no matter what you prepare – the uncertain might well get in your way. That’s because the one and only constant in the universe is change. And most change is utterly outside of your control. This is where – I believe – almost every fear you and I face is based. After years of

Sometimes You Truly Need a Change of Perspective

Your point of view – no matter how broad you think it – is restrictive. I pride myself on my ability to regularly see all sides of a given argument. Even if I vehemently disagree with the other side – I can still see it. My side, their side, and sometimes even the absolute between or apart from both is evident. However, it’s come to my attention that, even if I can see more than one side to a given

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