The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Can A Negative Experience Be Used for Positivity?

Life is a matter of balance and choices. For every extreme, there’s an opposite extreme. Up and down. Small and large. Left and right. Black and white. Tall and short. Good and evil. Positive and negative. Often, these extremes are personified as opposite sides of a coin. The problem with this is that coins are flat, and most things exist not at either extreme end, but somewhere between them. Take black and white, for example. Between these extremes is every

Give Up, Push Through, Or Find Another Way?

No matter the obstacles, you always have a choice. Life is seldom simple. Very rarely do you get to go from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’ smoothly and obstacle free. And every time you come across challenges and obstacles in your life, you can give up, push through, or try another way. That doesn’t always feel true. There are plenty of times when it feels like you’re stuck, trapped, and without recourse. The trouble is, you always have choices –

Why Is It Important and Positive to Be Yourself?

Because yourself is the only person you can be. What that looks like, however, is up to you. I had to put a great deal of work into becoming who I am. That’s not to say in any way, shape, or form that I’m fully-formed or perfect. Nope, I’m still a work in progress. But the choice to be myself – and to work on what that means – was mine. It’s really important to be yourself. Why? Because who

How Is It Worthwhile to Adjust Our Mindset/Headspace/Psyche Selves?

It’s worthwhile because it’s the only thing we can genuinely control. Ever find yourself thinking about something utterly outside of your control? I don’t just mean a random, passing thought. What I’m on about is giving deep, analytical thought towards something over which you have zero control. For example – politics. Apart from voting, protests, phone calls and letters to our representatives – there’s nothing we can do. When it comes to the world stage, there’s even less that we

How Do We Stand Up to Fear and Uncertainty Along Our Paths?

Genuine mindfulness lets us recognize fear and uncertainty and how to handle them on our paths. Fear takes many forms. Often, it’s disguised as uncertainty, trepidation, self-doubt, general doubt, brain weasels, and the like. Fear isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It has served the human race well in protecting us from harm. But the things we needed fear to protect us from have changed. A lot. We are no longer prey to anything but other human beings. Fear that protected

Positivity Is a Choice to Empower Taking Control of Our Lives

Positivity is less about how we feel than about how we choose to approach our lives. How easy is it to feel bad? To find negativity in the world? To see darkness, sadness, and hopelessness? Too easy. Surf the internet. Watch cable news. Shouldn’t take more than a minute or two to start down that path. Because it is so extremely easy to find the bad and the negative in our world today – they often become dominant. And if

What Are You Doing Today and How Does it Make You Feel?

Today is one-of-a-kind. What will you choose to do with that? I have just completed an annual vacation that was interrupted by the pandemic for two years. Every summer since 1996, I have spent 1-2 weeks at a massive medieval reenactment event called the Pennsic War. It tends to draw 10,000+ people to it for numerous medieval classes, combats, glamping, and socializing from all over the world. Due to COVID-19, the event was cancelled in 2020 and 2021. This year,

How Is The Struggle An Important Part of Any Chosen Path?

Because without the struggle we lack the impetus for growth and change. One of the hardest aspects of working to improve our lives is stepping out of our existing comfort zones. Why is it called a comfort zone? Because it’s comfortable. Though that’s not wholly accurate. More than being comfortable, our comfort zone is about familiarity. It’s what we know, are used to, and consider deep down to be the norm. Such that it is. This is why we often

Is It Really Worth the Effort?

You alone know if it’s really worth the effort – or not. What is “It”? That depends, I suppose. Various things that we can experience will qualify as “it.” Might be something big and scary or small and mundane. “It” might be getting up early to go for a walk. Or it might be applying for that dream job you’ve always wanted. Maybe “it” is finally cleaning out the walk-in closet in your bedroom. Perhaps “it” is taking the time

Do You Wait for the Door to Open or Act to Open The Door?

When you act to open the door, you are being mindful. Life is a constant stream of activity. Like a flowing stream or river, life is always on the move. So long as we draw breath, we’re in motion. And that can be extremely overwhelming sometimes. I know how this feels. Choices and decisions can be scary and exciting at the same time. Some are more uncertain than others, too. But the outcome is seldom completely sure. Things not of