The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

It Depends on Your Perspective

How you see life, the Universe, and everything is a matter of perspective. All the ways in which you experience life are a matter of perspective. Take Monday, for example. I know a LOT of people who get to Monday and automatically get negative. This is how they approach work, school, the daily grind, and so on. Monday morning is unwelcome. That’s one perspective. What if, instead, Monday were to represent new opportunities? How do you approach work when you

What Will You Learn Today?

Why is recognizing what you can and will learn today important? There is always something new to be learned. Recognizing this can make a huge difference in your life. When you think there is nothing you can do; if the world seems to be only negative; if you find you are at a loss – there is a chance to learn something new today. What this means is that if you are stuck, displeased, distressed, frustrated, or otherwise not where

The World is NOT Ending

I know that it feels that way – but it really, truly, is NOT ending. Are you feeling it? That inexplicable stress? The sensation that you are a rubber band wound too tightly and fit to burst? Do your emotions simply overwhelm you with little or no explanation? If you answered yes to any or all of the above – you are feeling the impact of the current world situation. Between COVID-19, a vacuum of useful leadership in the United

What Can You Offer to the World?

The world is full of potential and possibility. But what have you got to offer to it? For years, I asked myself – what is my purpose in life? I know I am not the only one who has asked this question. For a long, long time – the answer was unclear. However, I am pretty sure that this is because I was trying to figure out how to fit inside a box that I was not ever going to

Achieving Balance with Positivity

Now, more than ever, we need to find and/or create positivity just to recover balance. Spend any amount of time online at all and you will be practically drowned in negativity. Between COVID-19, social unrest, horrific politics, greed, corruption, world affairs, and all the rest of the happenings of 2020 – it is simply too much. So much uncertainty, so many things making little to no sense. Fear and anger at levels I’ve certainly never experienced before. The scales of

Your Feelings are Valid

Nobody should be dismissive any anyone’s feelings – positive or negative. As a human being, you have feelings. Feelings can be an incredible source of strength. The ability to feel in the way humans feel is a huge part of what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. Who you are, at your core, is an amalgam of intangibles both near the surface and deeply embedded in your psyche. Mindfulness – thoughts, feelings, and actions – are the

Why Not Now?

Now is as good a time as any to choose a path for your life. There is a great Chinese proverb that I strive regularly to take to heart. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” I had many different choices for my life to be made 20 years ago. I was not so long out of college and was fresh from my studies of theatre, radio/audio production, and art

There is Never a Reason to Panic

As The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy says – Don’t Panic! It feels like the world is going mad, doesn’t it? Let’s face it, there is some pretty scary stuff happening right now. Great Britain and Brexit and the impact of that, the elections in the United States, and of course, you can’t ignore the coronavirus threat (nor pray it away or pretend it’s not a thing.) People are panicking. Fear has been elevated to new and utterly distressing levels.

Choice is an Everyday Activity

Even making no choice at all is still a choice. Every single day that you are here on this planet you are making choices. The vast majority of the things you choose are relatively mindless and mundane. When to get out of bed, what to wear, what to eat, where to go and when, and so on. Simple, frequent, daily choices you make that can, ultimately, impact your day quite a lot. How? Because maybe what you ate made you

Did You Know You Can Choose Something Positive Right Now?

How are you feeling today? At this moment, you can choose something negative or choose something positive. It’s up to you. Before you stress out because it’s Monday, and for most people the day you go back to work after the weekend, please take the following into consideration: Reality is what YOU believe it is. If you think today is going to suck, you’re probably right. Recognize this and choose something positive. Other people are outside of your control. There