The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Is Pathwalking Mindful?

When we are mindful of our thoughts, feelings and actions, we can walk any path. The key to doing this is to work on spending more time in the here-and-now.  When we are mindful of where we are, at this very moment, we empower ourselves to best walk the paths for the lives we desire. Mindfulness is awareness.  When we are aware, we have control.  Pathwalking is about taking control of the life we lead, so being mindful is imperative

Can Consciousness Create Reality?

Consciousness creates reality when we work to be aware of our thoughts, feelings and subsequent actions. All too often, most of us get caught up in our day-to-day activities.  There are patterns and routines each of us follows.  Before you realize It, you may find yourself just going along with things, and finding that you are dissatisfied because you are seeing more things you don’t want than things you do want. We are living in a fear-based society.  Everywhere you

What do I want from my Reality?

What do I want? I have been asking this question of myself for most of my adult life.  It is both the single most basic question I can ask, as well as massively loaded.  This is a question that can be rooted in the past, awareness in the present, or looking to the future, which complicates things further. One of the more complex issues I encounter with this question has long been its opposite.  I was less sure of what

Five Effects of Conscious Reality Creation

How does consciousness create reality? When we focus on what we are thinking, how we are feeling, and then taking intentional actions, we become truly aware, and conscious of our decisions.  When we are aware, we take charge and gain control over what we are doing. Life is too short to not be fully present and conscious of the reality we live in.  We are not on this planet for all that long, so wouldn’t it be better to spend

Positivity: Attitude Shifters

To help yourself be more positive, it is extremely helpful to have attitude shifters. What is an attitude shifter?  A shifter is something you can think about or focus on that will make you feel good. Shifters can come in any number of forms.  A picture of a person, place or thing that makes you feel happy.  A song or movie dialogue or comedy routine that puts you in a good mood.  A scent, the smell of something that brings

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