The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Am I Afraid to Succeed?

How does the question “what if I succeed?” evoke subconscious fear? This question has been plaguing my path for a long time. Every time I work on a path I desire to follow – something happens that causes me to abandon it, stop giving it my full attention, and/or self-sabotage. This is, of course, not conducive to success. Why? Why do I always do this? How come I am constantly getting in my own way? What causes me to get

A Not-So-Bitter Pill to Swallow

Releasing a long-time fear isn’t the bitter pill I thought it might be. For most of my life, the opinions of others have been of the utmost importance to me. I’ve sought approval, recognition, and generally being liked. More and more, though, it’s become increasingly evident to me that this doesn’t matter. At least, not in the way I tend to emphasize it. What do I mean? The short answer is that the opinions of others are not what makes

I Don’t Know

It’s okay that I don’t know – because it means I’ve something new to learn. Recently, I had a discussion with a friend about learning new things. In this instance, we were talking about a personal lesson regarding a mutual acquaintance. Said acquaintance, whom I only trust as far as I can throw (which isn’t far) did something hugely upsetting to my friend. It was behavior I’ve seen from that person before – so it came as no surprise to

Don’t Trip Over How

Along any given path it’s easy to trip over how It’s been a decade since I began to seek, find, and walk my chosen path. This has occurred in fits and starts, with some success here and achievement there. But there is one hurdle, one obstacle that still tends to trip me up. How. Further, this gets complicated by walking the line of reality as it is now versus as it could be via conscious reality creation. I know where

Why Choose Positivity?

Because choosing positivity empowers you. Every day, you have choices. Get out of bed or sleep in? Oatmeal or yogurt for breakfast? Make or order lunch? Steak or chicken for dinner? Go to bed at 10 or 11? These choices are frequent, constant, and seemingly insignificant. But they are neither inconsequential nor insignificant. Life is all about choices. Great or small, everything you choose impacts everything you do. For example – let’s say you sleep in. And sleep past your

Don’t Fall Off a Cliff

When choosing your path, sometimes you reach a cliff it’s best not to fall off of. When you decide to take control over your destiny and walk a path of your choosing, there are many obstacles you’ll encounter along the way. Some will be external. People, places, things, and such – both tangible and intangible. They might be major obstacles and roadblocks, or minor. While outside of your control, how you interact with and react to them is on you.

Focus on What You Can Control

Be mindful when you focus on matters outside of your control. We live in a mad, mad, mad world. Here in the United States, we’ve reached this bizarre place where a lot of people believe in a demonstrably false reality. Despite all evidence and logic to the contrary – they buy into any number of lies told to them by politicians, business leaders, religious leaders, and so on. If, like me, you question things, strive to learn, grow, and evolve

Choose Your Actions After Your Initial Reactions

The positivity when you choose the actions after your reactions is profound. Let’s face it. Shit happens. What’s more, you’ll encounter happenings that get you upset on the surface without full context. And then you get to decide what comes next. For example, I saw that a friend had done a thing with a group of friends that I was not included in. That got me super upset. I immediately felt hurt, got annoyed that I was left out, and

Whose Life is it Anyway?

Are you living life for you – or someone else? As children, our parents have a lot of expectations of us. But a great deal of this – particularly when we’re young – is beneficial. For example – saying please and thank you, sharing toys with other kids, overall good manners, and punctuality are qualities you carry with you all your life. As you get older, teachers have expectations of you. Learn what they are teaching, do your homework, meet

Do You Know Your Triggers?

Knowing your triggers can be hugely positive. I have made it no secret that I’ve been battling with depression for most of my life. I’ve worked hard over the years on my own, with therapists, and take an antidepressant to maintain my overall sense of balance. For the most part, I maintain an even keel. And I practice at that regularly. I meditate daily, express gratitude for numerous things every day, and focus on mindfulness practices. All these keep me

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