The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Something to Smile About

What brings a smile to your face? What memories, what images, what sounds, what smells, what touches, what thoughts will make you smile? What brings a smile to your face? These are the things we need to have at our disposal for when we are inundated by negativity. We need to have these tools available to us so that we can give ourselves an easy means to creating positivity instead. Some days it feels like a major struggle to invoke

Positivity: Choice

There are always choices. Sometimes they don’t seem to be ours, and sometimes they are hard to even get a good look at, but there are always choices available to us. No matter how bleak a situation may be, there will be choices available to change it. Some are surprisingly simple while others are immensely complicated. But they exist, none-the-less. People often become mesmerized by what they are told by outside influences. They are told there are limitations, they see

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