The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Is It Really Worth the Effort?

You alone know if it’s really worth the effort – or not. What is “It”? That depends, I suppose. Various things that we can experience will qualify as “it.” Might be something big and scary or small and mundane. “It” might be getting up early to go for a walk. Or it might be applying for that dream job you’ve always wanted. Maybe “it” is finally cleaning out the walk-in closet in your bedroom. Perhaps “it” is taking the time

Can We Really Do Much of Anything to Change Anything At All?

Yes, we can change anything. But it begins with ourselves. This weekend, two dear friends got married. Both, in the time I have known them, have changed in many ways. And the journey to get to this place together was not easy for either of them. But surrounded by friends and family, they pledged their love and lives together. Who you were is not who you are. And who you are is not who you will be tomorrow. That’s the

How Come You Don’t Think That You’ve Got This? You’ve Got This!

Believe it. You’ve got this. You’ve made it before – you will make it again. There’ve been many times when I was pretty sure I couldn’t get more lost than I was. I am not being entirely literal, here. This is about making plans, choosing paths, and deciding things – but then having it go sideways. Or unexpectedly not work as planned. You might know this. You get that feeling like you’re lost, like nothing is working, and you can’t

How Do You Choose to Stay Strong in This Crazy Timeline?

Staying strong is a choice. But some days – you can’t be strong. For the second time in 2 weeks, I have been directly exposed to COVID. Last time I tested negative. And this time I have tested negative again. But that doesn’t make it any less distressing. I am less worried about myself than about my wife. Not to overshare – but my immune system is stronger than hers. For more than 2 years, we’ve all lived in this

Is This a Good Idea? It Might Be for Me, But Not for You

Not every good idea is good for everyone. I have lots of ideas. You likely have lots of ideas. Some are ginormous, veritably insurmountable, and lofty as all get-out. Others are more approachable, have paths you can take that people have taken before, and/or roadmaps can be found and employed Most ideas are just ideas. Neither good nor bad. They simply are. And you have them all the time. I’ve been known to spew ideas just because they are fun

Do You Wait for the Door to Open or Act to Open The Door?

When you act to open the door, you are being mindful. Life is a constant stream of activity. Like a flowing stream or river, life is always on the move. So long as we draw breath, we’re in motion. And that can be extremely overwhelming sometimes. I know how this feels. Choices and decisions can be scary and exciting at the same time. Some are more uncertain than others, too. But the outcome is seldom completely sure. Things not of

What Can I Do to Get Better at Letting Go of Past BS?

We all hold onto things that don’t serve us. Letting go challenges us each differently. Over the past month or so, I’ve been focusing more and more on identifying my self-sabotaging behaviors. Thus, I’ve learned that my self-sabotage is born of conclusions I’ve made about myself, other people, and life. I recognize what these conclusions have been (for me, it’s that I’m not worthy, people are capricious and inconsistent, and that life is an unfair uphill battle). Now recognized, I

Can I Please Stop Second-Guessing and Self-Sabotaging Myself?

I would very much like to be done second-guessing and self-sabotaging. Despite the effort I have been making for over a decade to live life on my own terms, choosing my own paths – there is an ongoing challenge I can never seem to shake. Every path I choose, every approach I take, even when I am being super-mindful – I am second-guessing and self-sabotaging. Having just finished reading Gary John Bishop’s Stop Doing that Sh*t: End Self-Sabotage and Demand

6 Ways I Can Choose to Face a Trigger Situation

I believe how I handle a trigger and what I do after is my choice. But YMMV. There was a conversation thread on Twitter. It was skewing negatively, so I decided to make a less negative statement. Someone replied to that – in a way that I found insulting. I admit, my reply to their reply was somewhat less politic and tactful than it could have been. And that person went off on me for it. The response I received

Do I Adjust My Life’s Path – or – Does the Path Adjust Me?

The answer is Yes. Both the path and I adjust in various ways. The only constant in the entire Universe is Change. I repeat that a lot. Why? Because it can have a truly amazing impact on our life experiences when we recognize, acknowledge, and accept this truth. Everything you know – all the comfort zones you exist in – has changed before. They will change again. And then, after they change – they’ll still change. No matter how resistant