The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Do Embracing Change and Positivity Go Hand In Hand?

Embracing change gives you control you won’t otherwise have – and that’s hugely positive. There is only one constant in the Universe – change. Change happens all the time. You can’t stop it. You can either ride it out, stand in resistance to it, or do the work to embrace it and take what control is in it for you. Change is scary because it’s anathema to comfort. Or at least that’s the perception. Change will pull you from an

When the Ongoing Work Gets Tedious Is It All Still Worthwhile?

Despite the ongoing work feeling never-ending and tedious – yes, it’s still worth it. Who I am today has taken me a long time to forge. What’s more, there’ve been numerous false starts, mistakes, errors, and total fuck-ups. Yet here I am – who, what, how, and why I desire to be. But that’s not the end of the story. It’s never the end of the story until literally, the end – as in the death of the current meatsuit

Is Your Morning Routine Exhausting or Empowering? The Choice is Yours

You get to decide if every new day will be exhausting or empowering. During the workweek, when you wake up, do you begin your day feeling exhausted? Do you struggle to get out of bed, get going, and face all that lies before you today? Or do you begin your day feeling empowered? Do you get out of bed, get going, and face all that lies before you today ready to experience potential and possibilities? Odds are, neither is the

Did You Know That What You Believe – Positive or Negative – Is True?

Positive or negative – what you believe is true. Even if you don’t buy into the Law of Attraction – like gravity, thermodynamics, and other elements of nature – it still exists and does its work whether you are conscious of it or not. This is why what you believe is true. At least, from your unique, one-of-a-kind perspective. Every single person on earth has their own perception of reality. Ergo, we all have unique perspectives on life, the universe,

It’s Time to Walk the Talk and Be My Own Best Advocate

Talk (or writing) is cheap. Action is necessary. My best advocate is me, after all. In 2012, I began to blog once a week. Less than a year and a half later, it became twice a week. From there, I expanded my efforts. I’d said for a long time that I was a writer. And I had evidence of that being true – but not sharable evidence. Blogging regularly led to writing more frequently in general, which in turn led

Acceptance Is a Matter of Positivity – And It Starts with Ourselves

Acceptance of ourselves begins all else. For a long time, I was less than fond of myself. All I seemed to be capable of was finding the fault in myself. I was always looking at how I managed to fail at jobs, screw up relationships, and remain overweight. For about two decades, I lived indecisively, constantly finding the flaws in myself, and not accepting all of how I was uniquely me. Sometime in my late 30s, though, that began to

Can Pathwalking Be for Everyone Even if it’s Not One-Size Fits All?

Pathwalking is for everyone because it is an open practice with almost infinite options. When I accepted the challenge to myself to write weekly, Pathwalking was born at the start of 2012. Over the years since then, it’s evolved into a much larger, richer, and deeper life philosophy. I like to think of Pathwalking as taking the best parts of other Universal life ideas and making them accessible to more people. I strive to do this with plain language, simplicity,

Why Can’t We Always Have Positivity in Life?

Because change is inevitable – and positivity coexists with negativity. We live in a world of opposites and extremes. But the important thing about this is that we exist within the opposites and extremes. Very few people exist at any given extreme. Near, perhaps – but seldom at. This is why comparing extremes and opposites via a coin misunderstands the breadth and depth of this reality. It’s not a coin, it’s a cylinder with vast space between the given extremes.

Why Are We What, How, Where, Who, and Why We Are?

Why we are – and all else – depends on circumstances both in and out of our control. Please pause a moment. Look around you and then make note of where you are. How did you get there? What made you decide to be where you are, right now? Is this where somewhere you actually want to be – or not? For various reasons, you are where you are. Maybe you’re somewhere you have chosen – or not. And even

Is What We Do After We Get Bad News Ours to Choose?

We all get bad news sometimes. But what we do after we receive it is up to each of us to choose. One of my best friends wrecked an ankle long ago. Like, thoroughly destroyed it. They repaired it with pins and plates, and it served him for nearly 2 decades. But over time, the pain levels associated with that ankle became unbearable. For several years he’s been fighting the constant pain, and it was negatively impacting his life. At