The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

You Don’t Need to Reclaim Your Past to Heal Your Past

You can only learn from the past but can’t return to it. Do you have trauma from your past? Have you experienced pain, suffering, sadness, and the like? If you’re human, then you probably have had some or all of the above experiences. Some of them you probably don’t ever desire to recall or return to again. But some you might desire to redo or undo, and others you might desire to return to – with what you know now

Feelings and Emotions Are in a Constant State of Flux

This is why toxic positivity is so dangerous. Nobody lives a perfect life. You’ve had both good days and bad days in your life. Like it or not, life has had its ups and downs. Nobody ever experiences just one emotion or feeling. And that’s a good thing. Why? Because you need to experience it all. That’s part of living life. Life is made up of many a paradox and uncountable extremes. But most of life occurs somewhere between any

Changing Your Life Is Only as Difficult as You Make It

How difficult do you make it? When it comes to finding the best ways to complicate my life, I’m an expert. This tends to come from overthinking things, overanalyzing, self-doubt, uncertainty, fear, and similar factors. Why? Sometimes it’s because of the idea that if it looks too good to be true (or too easy) it probably is. Other times because I’ve long believed that nothing worth having is ever easy. Then there are external factors like the opinions of others,

I’m Sorry – Yes, I F#*ked Up! Guess Who Is Beating Me Up the Most?

Spoiler alert – it’s me. A few months back, in an attempt to offer a friend some encouraging perspective – I did exactly the opposite. I totally fucked up, caused my friend anxiety, self-doubt, and a host of other unpleasantness utterly the opposite of the intent of my words. Immediately after, I was informed that I messed this up by a mutual friend. I apologized and explained my reasoning. Now, months later, I learn it was so bad that it

Do You Face Your Fears or Live Life Afraid?

This is always a choice. And the choice is always yours. About the only certainty in life is uncertainty. No matter what and how you plan, no matter what you prepare – the uncertain might well get in your way. That’s because the one and only constant in the universe is change. And most change is utterly outside of your control. This is where – I believe – almost every fear you and I face is based. After years of

Sometimes You Truly Need a Change of Perspective

Your point of view – no matter how broad you think it – is restrictive. I pride myself on my ability to regularly see all sides of a given argument. Even if I vehemently disagree with the other side – I can still see it. My side, their side, and sometimes even the absolute between or apart from both is evident. However, it’s come to my attention that, even if I can see more than one side to a given

Recognizing Positivity in Impermanence

Change is inevitable, and impermanence is reality. The one and only constant in the Universe is change. Change can, will, and does occur all the time. No two moments are the same. Alike, maybe, but the same? No. That’s how frequently change occurs. You might not believe it. But because people tend to resist, combat, and overall won’t accept change and the reality of it – tons of conflict on many levels is the result. A great deal of this

It Goes Well Until It Feels Like It Stops Going Well

Everyone experiences this and has choices for what to do with it. Things have, despite a lot of craziness outside of my control, been going well of late. I’ve been in therapy again and getting a lot out of it, feeling good about who I am and where I’m going, and it’s all been feeling like it’s steadily improving. Today, I hit a wall. To be fair, there were some extenuating circumstances. Yesterday morning I stepped on the scale for

Why Are Habits Such a Hard Habit to Break?

Breaking a habit frequently requires a lot of conscious effort. People love quick-fix solutions. From diet and exercise programs to pills to life hacks, modern society has a love affair with seeking and finding the quick fix. Get it done as fast as possible with as little effort as possible. The problem is that quick fixes are nearly never true fixes. For example – going on a diet can help a person lose weight. And it will continue to work

Why is The Unknown Path So Damned Scary?

Because it’s unknown – and thus, uncertain. On the one hand, I’ve never been one for plans, lists, and the like. It’s always felt genuine and true to myself to be more improvisational in my approach to life. On the other hand, I’m a Virgo. Sometimes I get utterly ordered and freakishly clean, arrange, and set stuff up. When it comes to choosing and walking a given path in my life, this can be challenging. Loose and ready for anything