The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Am I In An Open Cell But Unable to Leave It?

This is all about trauma, change, and the reality of what comfort zones are. Life is crazy. So much is happening out there, is it any wonder we’re all losing our minds? Here’s my personal dilemma. My therapist and I have seen numerous ways that I’ve improved my life. Overall, I’m in a really good place. Yet, for some reason, I feel stuck. The reason? Because somewhere in the back of my brain, I feel like I’m missing something. What

How Do Your Choices and Decisions Make You, You?

Why are choices and decisions so powerful? You’re bombarded with frequent, loud, often overwhelming messages about conformity. Do this, be that, follow the herd, or get voted off this island Earth. Contribute as expected or be judged as lacking, wanting, and less-than. Formal schooling is all about learning how to learn for the first 6 years or so. Then you start applying that to the actual gaining of knowledge but to a lesser degree. Facts, figures, and things necessary to

Why Does Your Approach to Life Matter?

Your approach is a choice that determines if you merely survive, simply exist, or thrive. The status quo never lasts. Never. That’s because change is the one and only constant in the Universe. Like it or not, work with it or ignore it, you cannot avoid it. Change can, will, and does happen. Recognizing this is huge. Accepting it is even larger. Everything you know is subject to change. If you don’t believe it, apply it to yourself. Are you

It Hasn’t Always Been This Way

Recognizing and acknowledging this truth can change your life. One of the most fascinating elements of conservativism, to me, is how they want to go back to a simpler, better time. Realistically, of course, they want to go back to a simpler, better time that never existed (save in a few minds). The reason this fascinates me so much is because that desire ignores progress made. Not just social progress, though. Technological progress. The world of the ridiculously idolized 1950s

Why is it Healthy to Admit “I Don’t Know”?

Not knowing things is how you grow and evolve. One of the biggest issues in modern American politics right now is that one side claims that they have all the answers. They know everything they need to know. Whether it’s been endowed by God, Ronald Reagan, or some other demagogue, they have the answer. Their go-to “leader” is a self-proclaimed “stable genius” who always knows everything and is never wrong. This party is thus, with their claims of knowing everything,

Is There Anything You Can Do About That?

The answer can change your life in multiple ways. The world is at your fingertips. Whatever device you’re using to read these words gives you access to news and information, 24/7, worldwide. On the one hand, this is incredible. Only in the last two or three decades have we had the power to learn and know anything at all about any topic whatsoever. You name it, you can learn something about it. On the other hand, this is terrible. There

How Do We See More Clearly That It’s Not a Race?

The human race is not, in fact, a race at all. Nearly every message you receive, no matter the source, is a constant reminder that you need to go go go. Keep going. Always doing. Rest is for the wicked. You can sleep when you’re dead. And so on. The idea of the “rat race” created this notion, long ago, that life is a constant race. Being first. As such, gets a whole lot of emphasis and is given importance.

What If You Could Program Your Brain Like a Computer?

Spoiler alert – you can totally program your brain like a computer. The human brain is an incredibly complex piece of machinery. Everything the brain does – whether on the unconscious, subconscious, or conscious level – is simply astounding. Without our unique, complex, multifaceted brains, we’d be far more like the rest of the animal kingdom. Human beings are the only animals on this planet who can adapt to any environment, communicate instantaneously around the globe via artificial electronics, and

What Is a Cost Analysis of Life Choices?

Every choice you make has a cost. This is highly variable and subjective. Sir Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion states, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This is applicable, however, beyond the laws of motion. For anything and everything that you do – literal or figurative – there will be a reaction. Some approach this from the notion that actions have consequences. I look at it as every choice you make is an action you

The Positivity of Being Your Truest Self Isn’t Easy

But it’s totally worth it – because you are worth it. Are you your genuine self? Maybe, like me, you’ve worn different masks in various situations. This was the “self” you presented to specific audiences, for diverse reasons. One mask at work, one at school, one for friends, one for family, one in private, one in public. Group ‘X’ of people you spend time with get one mask, while group ‘Y’ gets another. There’s nothing evil, dishonest, or deceitful in

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