The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

It’s Bad, But How Bad Is It?

It certainly feels bad, but all is not as it seems. It’s impossible not to recognize that things are bad in many ways for many people. On a big-picture level, there’s the awfulness of the current state of the Israel/Palestine dispute, the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, a United States Supreme Court that cares more about the religious beliefs of a few over science, not to mention a candidate for President who should be in prison for a lot of

Is What We Think Other People Think About Us What We Secretly Think About Ourselves?

What do we know about how others think and feel – especially about us? Even the most introverted people I know have interactions with other people along the way. Friends, family, coworkers, random strangers, and so on. No matter if you are an introvert, extrovert, ambivert, or uncategorized personality type, you do not exist in a bubble. Because of this truth, to a greater or lesser degree, you desire to make an impression on people. This is wildly variable, situational,

Accepting Ourselves Means We Must Accept Both The Good and The Bad

Nobody goes through life without both good and bad. Accepting that is empowering. I’ve done some stupid, foolish, even selfish things in my life. From many, I learned valuable lessons. From others, I learned what not to do in certain situations. Truth be told, from some of the stupid, foolish, selfish things I gleaned no lesson I can put a finger on. Guess what? I’ll make more stupid, foolish, and selfish choices in my life. No matter what and how

Something Bad Is Sometimes What It Takes to Improve Your Life

The Universe is a paradox. Hence, sometimes something bad can turn out to be good. My life was forever changed 22 years ago. On November 30th, 1999, I decided to walk the quarter-mile or so from my apartment to the post office. When crossing the busy highway between home and my destination, I was struck by a car (and it was a hit-and-run incident). Fortunately, I have zero memory of the accident itself. For the next week or so, there

Positivity Doesn’t Invalidate Negativity

One coin, two sides. Positivity and negativity will always both exist. I know a lot of people who think that positivity is a toxic notion. And, misapplied, they’re right. When you use positivity to negate and invalidate negativity – that is a toxic act. We simply cannot exist in a world with zero negativity. Life is all about dualities and paradoxes. Hence, yin and yang, black and white, up and down, and so on. Between these extremes are vast worlds

Positivity Empowers Everyone

But beware of toxic positivity. I strive to be optimistic and positive. Because I am human – and I have good days and bad days – I don’t always get it right. There are days it’s hard to get out of bed and face what’s coming. They’re not frequent, but they happen. Further, things can and do occur during a given day where you might get thrown off your game. Just over seven years ago, I get onto Facebook on

How Do You Like to Be Treated?

Do you treat people in the same manner you desire to be treated? This is an important question, because recently it feels like people are not answering it by their actions. Do you want to be potentially murdered simply due to the color of your skin? Do you want to make a loved-one fatally sick because you were exposed to a virus? Are you fond of people yelling at you, insulting you, or calling you names? Does it make you

How Do Positivity and Toxic Positivity Differ?

The difference in how each variant of positivity works comes down to reality. I am a huge proponent of positivity. That should come as no surprise. However, I also believe that you cannot just live on positivity. Bad things occur, shit happens, and you cannot just avoid, deny, or neglect that. The notion of toxic positivity is to deny and ignore the negative. Gloss it over, pretend it is not there. But that’s not realistic in any way. Life is

This Is Good Because…

Finding the good in the middle of the bad. The current reality in which we are living is distressing, depressing, uncertain, and confusing as all get out. None of us have experienced something like this in our lifetime. The global pandemic has us taking extreme measures. We are sheltering in place, social distancing, and severely limiting how much time we spend in public, even of necessity. (Or at least – we should be.) Yes, there are some for whom nothing

How Bad is This Crisis?

That depends on whether you believe the crisis is all negative – or could have positivity to it. As I write this, more-or-less the whole of the United States is practicing social distancing. Non-essential businesses are shut down, sporting events and other public gatherings canceled or postponed, and people staying in and maintaining a general self-quarantine. I don’t think anyone has seen such a thing in their lifetime. It’s like life is utterly on hold, and nobody can say for