The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Does One Step Build Positivity?

Some days you just take one step at a time.  Then follow it with another…and another…and so on. For myself and many of my friends and loved ones, last week was a serious downer.  We lost people who meant a great deal to us.  Losing people special to us is hard.  Returning to our regularly scheduled lives can feel particularly trying. When I look for positivity every week, I acknowledge that nobody lives in a good headspace all the time. 

How Does Praise Empower?

Everybody likes to receive praise. When you do a thing, and you do it well, receiving praise for it feels amazing.  It is incredibly empowering, and it serves as an affirmation of the choices you make along the way. For whatever reason, though, our modern society eschews praise.  We have an almost surreal talent for criticism, but when it comes to praise, we seem to display something of an aversion to it. I suspect that one of the reasons for

Why Start Pathwalking?

Why did I start Pathwalking six years ago? When I decided that I needed to blog weekly, I came up with this idea.  Pathwalking is the living, breathing process of using consciousness to create reality in order to manifest the life I most desire. Consciousness creates reality.  How do I know this?  Because I have done it.  I know that when we are aware and totally present in the here-and-now, we can build our existence however we most desire for

How Do You Think, Feel and Act on Positivity?

You can think positive all you want.  However, if you put nothing behind it, no energy, feeling, or action, it will be ineffective. I am pretty sure that everything has at one point or another been exposed to the notion of the “power of positive thinking”.  On the surface, the idea that if you think good and positive thoughts, life will be better in numerous ways. Too easy, right?  Well, that’s not untrue.  Think whatever you want, positive or negative,

How Do You Feel Positive?

You woke up today.  That is tremendously positive. You have air in your lungs.  Your heart is beating.  You have thoughts in your head.  These are all filled with positive energy. You are reading these words on a computer, tablet or phone.  The positivity of that is impressive. It is very easy to forget that the positive exists in the smallest, most trivial things in our lives.  Just being alive and living every day is immeasurably positive. I know that

How Does Self-Doubt Impact You?

Self-doubt and indecision will complicate Pathwalking. I strive to be less doubtful about who I am, and to do better with making decisions about my life.  Pathwalking is about choosing for myself, rather than letting random chance just happen. Yet I still question if I am deserving of this.  I doubt myself, my abilities to do the things I want to do.  This in turn can make me indecisive, and I get stuck in uncertainty. Self-doubt comes from many places. 

Five Questions for Restoring Positivity

Restoring Positivity can be challenging. Here in the United States, we have recently been inundated by messages of hatred, intolerance, bigotry and worse.  Active hate groups are feeling empowered by certain elements of our government, and have been spewing their venom unabashedly. Hard to feel positive in the face of this.  And yet, Positivity is the key to overcoming the hate. Here are five questions which will help us to restore our Positivity when we are feeling powerless, sad, angry,

What if you can only feel Negativity today?

Everyone has bad days.  Everyone experiences relentless negativity. No matter how hard we try, no matter the attitude shifters or positive things for our awareness we work to use, there are going to be bad days. While I created these weekly posts to generate positivity, in order to help myself and anyone reading along, I acknowledge that there are days it simply does not work.  No matter what we employ, no matter what we try, this day is terrible. There

Why Does the World Need More Positivity?

The world needs more positivity. Why?  Because when we feel positive, we feel good.  When we feel good, we enhance the ability to draw more good to ourselves.  As such, we empower ourselves.  When we are empowered, we are capable of almost anything. Unfortunately, we are living in a fear-based society.  We are inundated with negativity, we are told that there is lack and scarcity, and that we should fear the unknown, the untested, and the unfamiliar.  We sensationalize things

Pathwalking 132

I have often written about how important emotion is to Pathwalking. You cannot simply choose to think through what you want to manifest in your life, you have to feel it. If you cannot put the feeling behind the thought, and then add corresponding action, you will more-or-less turn about in a circle. It is an absolute necessity that you not only think and take action to choose your path, but you also feel your way along it. If you