The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Five Steps to Change our Emotions

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Each of us has the ability to change our emotions. Yes, I know that this seems like a lie, but that doesn’t make it any less true.  We are each able to control how we are feeling.  You and I have the ability to change our emotions. It’s important that we recognize several facts about how emotions work, and how we are able to make changes to

How Do Want and Desire Differ?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   There is a surprisingly substantial difference between want and desire. Want is based in lack.  One of its definitions, from is to be without, or deficient in.  Want comes from a place of lack and scarcity.  It is a statement that implies that there is not enough, that you have gone without because that which you want there is not enough of. Further, that implies that

Consciousness Creates Reality, for Real?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Consciousness creates reality because all of our perceptions of reality are unique. Whether you buy into this notion or not, that doesn’t make it any less true.  Yes, I recognize that this may come across as hooky-spooky craziness, but let me present you a different perspective. Do you like our present reality?  I know that it’s entirely possible that you do, and if that is so, rock

Positivity Can be Found Anywhere

Positivity can be found anywhere. How does the game Cards Against Humanity have anything to do with positivity?  Believe me when I tell you, it can generate massive positivity. If you’re unfamiliar with the game, you are dealt out a number of white cards with various words and phrases, some benign, some…various degrees of raunchy and/or gross and/or nonsensical.  Then, you draw from the black cards, which usually have any range of one to three blank spots you fill in,

Why Do We Compare Ourselves to Others?

There is no need to compare ourselves to anyone else. Each of us is unique.  We have our own gifts, our own talents, our particular, special way.  Yes, we are made up of the same basic molecular structure, and our souls are all interconnected…but we are still separate, unique consciousnesses. Consciousness creates reality in part because what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom is our singular consciousness.  Our lot is not just to survive, propagate and thrive,

Will You Get Uncomfortable?

Getting uncomfortable on purpose seems kind of backwards. Yet when we leave our comfort zones and work our lives away from familiarity, that’s precisely what we’re doing. I hate this part. There is nothing more disconcerting than effecting a major change in your life.  Really, how crazy is it to move away from the comfortable, on purpose, in order to create something that may be better…or, possibly, might be worse? But that is how consciousness creates reality.  We make our

How Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?

They say that familiarity breeds contempt.  Whether you apply this to a person, a place, or a thing, it tends to ring true. This is where the comfort zone exists.  It is familiarity, it is the known, and it provides us with a sense of ease and contentment.  If we get too comfortable, change becomes that much harder.  Change is, of course, inevitable. Familiarity is not necessarily a bad thing.  But too much time with the familiar leaves us feeling

Can You Leave Your Comfort Zones?

Comfort zones are both comforting, and comfortable. It is within our comfort zones that we know what to expect.  They are familiarity, they are the known.  A comfort zone is like a luxurious down blanket, soothing and warming. Nobody likes to step out of their comfort zones.  The unknown is outside of them, and the unknown can be intimidating, scary, unexpected, and downright terrifying. So it should come as no surprise that the only way to truly grow in this

Why do High Frequencies Matter?

What is the importance of high frequencies? To put it simply, high frequencies feel good and draw good things to us.  Low frequencies feel bad, and draw bad things to us. Despite having broken this down before, I believe that it totally bears repeating. Everything throughout the entire cosmos is energy.  From the smallest subatomic particle to the biggest galaxy, it’s all energy.  Along the way energy changes form, sometimes taking tangible shape but frequently remaining intangible. Whether you believe

How Do You Be Happy?

Let’s be happy. Doesn’t that sound like a fantastic idea? What do we have to do to be happy? That’s the challenge we all face.  In especial when we’re inundated with lack, scarcity, and messages of exclusion, hate, and fear.  Hard to find happy when there are so many messages that are the opposite. It is time to take back our power and do what it takes to be happy. It might be something grand, like taking a vacation or

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