How Does Renewal Effect Positivity?

Renewal is frequently the theme for people at the start of the new year. While change is constant and inevitable, we frequently resist it.  One exception for this, however, is New Years’ Eve. Many people formulate a New Years’ Resolution.   They resolve to change something in their life.  Frequently, this is diet or exercise related.  They look to a change they want to make, and attach it to the fresh year. Resolutions are not much of a commitment.  It’s thought

Where Is My Intent?

I have been working with the question of the intent for my life a long time, now. For decades, my answer was usually, “I don’t know what I want.”  I became particularly skilled at saying “I don’t know”.  Over time, my indecision extended out to include restaurants, jobs, relationships, hairstyles…you name it.  When it came to decision-making, I left that to anyone else that I could. Less than ten years ago, however, I began to really think about what I

How is Purpose the Same as Intent?

Action with intent or purpose is far more powerful than action for the sake of itself. Consciousness creates reality.  In order to use this to manifest the end goal or desire, we need to think, feel, and then take intentional action.  I have spent a lot of time writing about thought and feeling, but less on action. Action needs to have intent.  It needs to be done with a purpose in mind.  Action simply to complete the trifecta with thought

Can Intention Manifest Positivity?

Intention requires attention. The power of intent is something we take for granted.  We fail to see that we have the ability to manifest not just once in a while, not just on a special occasion or due to a dire need, but all day, every day. One of the key elements of manifestation is intention.  Intent is not the starting point so much as it is the direction.  What begins as an idea becomes energized when you add an

What Do I Want To Give The World?

I want to give back to the world. One of my greatest desires is to give something of value to the world.  Whether it’s entertainment in the fiction that I write, insight from this blog, lessons in medieval rapier combat, or a pun to make someone crack a smile, I want to be a giver. One of the risks of this, though, is focusing more on giving than receiving anything in return.  When in the course of day-to-day life one

How Does a Pathwalker Be a Giver?

Givers get as much as they give. A lot of people do not recognize this for how powerful it is.  But the power of giving, when it comes from a place of abundance, actually creates more to be given. Pathwalking is about finding the path for ourselves.  Taking control over our own individual destiny, making use of conscious reality creation to manifest the life we desire to live. One of the key reasons behind Pathwalking, at least for me, is

How Does Giving Create Positivity?

Giving is an amazing force for Positivity. Some people go through this life and make accommodations for others, take time to help people in a myriad of ways, and do things for people without a second thought.  They are people who give time, energy and more, so that others may benefit.  They don’t even consider what they do to be giving. Giving is a powerful tool.  We have an amazing capacity to give on an incredible number of levels.  We

What Am I Thinking?

I am always thinking.  But then, really, who isn’t? Our entire reality as we perceive it is based on thought.  We see this life in our own, individual ways, which differ as they do because of our thinking. While it’s true that at our core, we are all energy, and thus all the same, as I have been writing about this week both in Positivity and Pathwalking, how we think defines our individuality.  Not simply what we think, but how

How Does Thought Drive the Universe?

Thought is one of the main driving forces of the Universe. Everything that ever was, currently is, or ever shall be begins with thought.  Somewhere there was an idea that led to a feeling from which action was taken.  Thus is reality as we know it made manifest. There are certain aspects of our reality that are completely universal.  The sun, moon and stars, air, water, earth, and so on.  But even these can be altered by thought.  There are

How Do You Think, Feel and Act on Positivity?

You can think positive all you want.  However, if you put nothing behind it, no energy, feeling, or action, it will be ineffective. I am pretty sure that everything has at one point or another been exposed to the notion of the “power of positive thinking”.  On the surface, the idea that if you think good and positive thoughts, life will be better in numerous ways. Too easy, right?  Well, that’s not untrue.  Think whatever you want, positive or negative,

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