The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Does Confidence Build Positivity?

Confidence goes a long ways towards building positivity.

When you are confident in who you are and what you do, you can create some pretty amazing things.

ConfidenceEven if you are not a terribly confident feeling person, there are many different actions you can take that will generate confidence, and confidence in turn will develop some powerful positivity.

First there is posture.  I know that I tend to slouch.  A lot.  Sitting and standing more erect exudes confidence physically.  Also, not looking down at the ground or at your own feet, and hands at your side or behind your back, rather than in your pockets also effects this.

Then there is how you speak.  Don’t hmm and haw, be confident.  Speak with authority.  This is when you are clear, concise, and solid.  The caution here is not to be arrogant, haughty or condescending.

Third is more intangible.  Decision making.  If, like me, you lean towards some indecision, the process of choosing and deciding radiates confidence.  Yes, as I discussed in last week’s Pathwalking, decisions can be a source of distress.  However, once they are made, they are a source of confidence.

Think confidence.  Think about being more confident an all that you do.  Consider where acting more confident can take you, as well as how it will feel.  Everything we manifest begins with thought when we use consciousness to create reality.  Thinking confidently is a part of that.

Straightening your back, speaking confidently and making decisions are actions you can take that will help you feel confident.

But I am not confident.  Like all feelings, you are in control of this.  You get to choose how you feel, and taking the above actions can help to build that feeling.  Observe how people you consider to be confident carry themselves.

Confidence feels strong.

Being confident is empowering.  It feels good, it feels strong.  It’s nearly impossible to build up anything but positivity from a place of confidence.

Confidence EmpowersWe are all capable of being confident people.  This is like all other emotions, thus we are able to take control over it.  When we are feeling uncertain, lost, or otherwise confused we can take actions that will develop confidence.  Confidence empowers us to be more than we are now.

Finding positivity is not hard, but it does require action.  Knowing that you are capable of creating feelings of confidence, even when they do not currently exist, you can change how you experience your day.  When we exude more confidence, and we create more confident feeling, ultimately we empower ourselves.  When we feel empowered, we often spread that feeling to others around us, and as such can build more positive feelings.  We can use the positive feelings this generates to dissolve negative feelings.  When we take away negative feelings, we open up space to let in positive feelings, and that is something we can be grateful for.  Gratitude leads to happiness.  Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude.  Positive attitude begets positive energy, and that is always a good thing.

After more than 6 years of weekly blogging, I have launched a Patreon to garner support for these works, and more.

This is the two-hundred and thirteenth entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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