What is Mind?

I have been working on better quieting my mind. Yes, I know that as human beings, we are ALWAYS thinking, always processing stuff.  I also know that we are capable of finding stillness and peace, and turning the brain “off” for periods of time.  This is something I am currently working on doing more. Why?  Because it’s not, at least for me, about stopping thinking.  It’s about getting the inner dialogue – specifically the uncomplimentary aspects – to be silent.

How Does Joy Empower?

Joy empowers us. When we do things that bring joy into our lives, we make ourselves better, stronger, and happier.  Joy raises our frequency, and lets us attract more of the things we truly want for ourselves. Yet we frequently will deny ourselves joy.  Why?  A number of different reasons, of course. First is the external.  In a society so focused on lack and scarcity, we wind up made to feel guilty if something makes us feel joyful.  We begin

What Makes You Laugh?

Do you laugh often enough? I am not just writing about a chuckle here and there, or a derisive snort.  I am talking about a thorough, complete, can-hardly-breathe-almost-crying laugh.  A laugh of pure positivity and joy. We all know that there are some pretty awful things going on in the world.  Everybody has their struggles and their challenges.  But we also have endless possibilities and options, and chances to find things that bring us joy. Know that you are worthy

Who Controls My Emotions?

Controlling emotions is particularly challenging. In order to manifest anything, you need to think, feel and act upon it.  Thought is only the beginning.  Without emotion behind it, you will remain where you are now. All this week I have been focused on the same notion.  Positivity examined the power of words, and why want, a statement of lack, should be replaced by desire, a statement of abundance.  In Pathwalking I explored how to go about changing feelings.  Altering my

How Do I Change How I am Feeling?

To change anything in life, changing what I am feeling is the key. Conscious reality creation requires thought to begin, feeling to fuel the flames, and intentional action to ignite them.  For me, altering feeling is the toughest part of this. Last week I got to see Jen Sincero, author of You Are a Badass, speak.  Like her books, she was an inspiring speaker.  Unlike many of the other authors I have read or listened to, she manages to really

How Do Desire and Want Differ?

Desire is an expression of abundance. Want is an expression of lack. When it comes to self-talk, it is imperative to be aware of the difference in these. Consciousness creates reality.  If we are focused on “wanting” something, we don’t realize that we are taking a lack approach.  Because words matter, it’s important to be aware of the power of what we say, and even how we say things. This also applies to the words we think and don’t necessarily

How Do Words Matter?

Words matter. The words we say matter.  But what matters more are the words we think.  In especial, those we think frequently, and those we use in reference to ourselves. Most of us are thinking constantly.  Hell, for a lot of us, the very notion of turning off our brains seems totally impossible.  One of the reasons why meditation is so healthy is because when we meditate it’s one of the few times we can stop the chatter. However, since

Three Ways to Live Life

There are, in my opinion, three ways in which we can choose to live life.  There are, as such, three realities people place their lives into. I have written about this before in previous posts, but I think it bears exploring further. Yes, I acknowledge off the bat that these are generalities.  But let’s also face another fact: everyone is unique.  We all think, feel and act differently from one another.  The processes that go into this vary, and though

Does Self-Care Create Positivity?

Self-care is empowering. When we do things to care for our own health and wellbeing, we provide ourselves with the ability to give more to others. Self-care is not selfish. When we take care of our own needs; comfort; intellectual, emotional and physical stimulation, we actually are empowering ourselves to give more to others. Our smartphones can do incredible things.  They can find directions, connect us to friends and family, get us information across the globe, provide hours of entertainment,

Is Letting Go Empowering?

Letting go has a great deal of significance in our lives. When we learn to let go of the things that do not serve us, it becomes far easier to cross the bridges between our worlds, walk our chosen paths, and consciously create reality. We are all energy at our core.  All energy vibrates at various frequencies.  High energy, high frequency is stronger than low energy, low frequency.  High frequencies are positive vibes, low frequencies are negative vibes. Hence where

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