Getting into Your Element

Getting into your element involves finding and entering a positive place to recharge your mind, body, and spirit. Everyone has a place or places that they like to go to in order to reset. I am not talking about taking a trip or vacation, or even a huge amount of time. No, this is all about discovering your element and spending time there. What is an element? For me, my element tends to be the outdoors. I love hiking, the

You Will Walk More Than One Path

You Will Walk More Than One Path Though it may seem daunting, this is a really good thing. When you are working with conscious reality creation and choosing a path for your life, it is important to recognize that there is not just more than one path, but that you will choose different paths at different times. But this is a very good thing. Why? Because what you desire for your life in your twenties is not going to be

Positivity in Getting Back to Work Post-Vacation

Getting back to work after a vacation presents some unique challenges. After taking more than a week offline, I am finding returning to my regularly scheduled program a bit more difficult than I had anticipated. Why? I had a perfectly excellent time. I got to hang out with friends, disconnected and got in a ton of exercise, time outdoors, and sunlight. Though I certainly love my work, it’s not that I don’t have ideas for things to write about. But

Life is Absurd

Life is absurd. Recognizing the overall absurdity of life helps with understanding this. Do you ever pause and look at the world way outside of yourself and think, isn’t this bizarre –or-wtaf? People get all in a tizzy about variations in skin color, choices in lovers, which god/gods/goddesses to worship or not, invisible borders, civility, and basic human decency. It is just so crazy, so illogical, so…absurd. Then perhaps you look a little less far afield. The sun and clouds,

You Are Worthy, Deserving, and You Matter

You are Worthy, Deserving, and You Matter In our fear-based society, this is an important fact to find, maintain, and grow positivity from. One of the most positive things you can know is that you matter and that you are worthy and deserving of finding, having, and/or creating an amazing life. I know that life is seldom easy. You and I are in a constant struggle with forces both internal and external to get from here to there. But that

Nobody Can Be “On” All the Time

Nobody Can Be “On” All the Time Even when you are walking your chosen path, this includes you. Working on walking your own path in this life takes time and energy. A lot goes into the necessary mindfulness and positivity required to consciously create your reality. But for all that work, and with all the time and energy invested, you still need to take breaks and pause along the way. I know some people who seem to only ever have

The World is Not on Fire

The World is Not on Fire Despite appearances, the world is not, in fact, burning down. There is no denying that we are living in trying times. The amount of hatred, anger, indignity, and negativity you and I encounter on a daily basis is utterly staggering. If you give this too much attention, it becomes far too easy to see the world as being on fire. Whether the dumpster fire is Trump, Brexit, corporate greed, climate change, or what-have-you, it

Am I Being True to Myself?

Am I being True to Myself? How does that even work, and what does it mean? For the second time, I am listening to Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles. This is a most outstanding analysis of the writing process, and facing off against what Mr. Pressfield calls “Resistance.” What is resistance in this form? Resistance is the intangible something that whispers in your ear and gets in your way

Avoiding Overwhelm While Remaining Informed

To avoid overwhelm while remaining informed is not easy, but utterly necessary for finding and maintaining positivity. Let’s be perfectly honest here. The world you and I live in today is complicated, and all-too-often full of fear, lack, scarcity, and overall negativity. All you have to do is scroll through social media. Doing so, you will see memes and links to articles about any number of terrible things going on. It can be thoroughly disheartening, infuriating, annoying, maddening, and all

What Does Your End Result Look Like?

What Does Your End Result Look Like? Finding sufficient balance of clarity and detail to manifest your reality. When you start down a path in life, it is usually done with an end goal in sight. But do you know what that end goal looks like? This can be a slippery slope because while detail counts, too much detail denies the Universe its power to present you with what you desire. Let me put a few things out there in

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