Sometimes Should Doing Nothing Be What We Should Be Doing?

The constant go-go-go of our culture isn’t healthy or sustainable. I frequently write about the need for action. If you desire to make any changes in your life, you must act. Conscious reality creation, mindfulness, and any work to manifest anything you desire requires you to do something. Rather than living life passively, going with the flow, and allowing life to just live you – taking action, doing something – is how you can be in control of who, what,

Can Gratitude for What You Have Get You What You Desire?

Yes. But it also alters what you genuinely desire in important, positive ways. Overall, I have an amazing life. I’m deeply grateful for all that I have. This begins with the basic necessities. This includes ample food, more than adequate shelter, and enough clothing that I need to donate things I seldom or never wear to a worthwhile charity. Beyond the basic necessities of life – food, clothing, shelter – I am incredibly grateful for the other “needs” that are

Do You Give Your Best and Do Your Best?

This is not in comparison to anyone else. I strive to be the best person that I can be. As a friend, a worker, a family member, a lover – I work to do my best and give my best. However, there is only one person who can judge what my best is. Me. My best is about being genuine, authentic, true to myself, and expending necessary effort. It doesn’t matter what the topic at hand is – nobody else

What If You Could Program Your Brain Like a Computer?

Spoiler alert – you can totally program your brain like a computer. The human brain is an incredibly complex piece of machinery. Everything the brain does – whether on the unconscious, subconscious, or conscious level – is simply astounding. Without our unique, complex, multifaceted brains, we’d be far more like the rest of the animal kingdom. Human beings are the only animals on this planet who can adapt to any environment, communicate instantaneously around the globe via artificial electronics, and

Why Didn’t You Know What I Thought You Should/Would Know?

Communication is the key to everything in all relationships. Have you ever thought that you told someone something or held a conversation that you didn’t? Did you ever go through – in your head – a whole discussion, then forgot that it never truly occurred?  And then, have you gotten mad at the other party because they didn’t know what you thought that they should and/or would know? Odds are, either you’ve experienced this – or been on the receiving

Why Not Find Your Joy Where You Find Your Joy?

Don’t let anyone rain on your parade. People love to knock things. Especially online. Everywhere you turn, someone has derogatory comments or criticism regarding things that bring people joy. For example, I am loving the Ahsoka series from Star Wars nearing the end of its initial run. Yet I’ve seen multiple posts about why it sucks, what’s wrong with it, and so on. Sorry if it’s not bringing you joy the same as it’s bringing me joy. An even better

Do Your Inactions Speak Louder Than Words?

The intersection of words, actions, and inactions gives us control over our lives and the paths we choose. One of the greatest failings of many politicians is their lack of actions. They talk, and talk, and talk a whole lot about the wonderful things they do or will do – but do nothing actually useful. Frankly, in many cases, their real profession is lying. Hence, inactions speak louder than words. This doesn’t apply to only politicians, business leaders, religious leaders,

Support – Does It Mean What You Think It Means?

Actions speak louder than words. Lots of people will tell you that they support you. They might offer platitudes, tell you about all the ways they’re supporting you, and/or claim they’re being supportive by doing this, that, or the other thing. But then, when you get down to it – are they taking actions that genuinely support you? Let’s say you have a “friend” who always must one-up you, always seems to find some way to belittle you, or in

Do You Need to Do Impressive Things to Make a Difference in the World?

No. You just need to do the best and be the best you can. I’m a big fan of audiobooks. When I recently came across Chris Hadfield’s An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth and saw he was also the narrator, I had to download it. If you’re unfamiliar with Colonel Chris Hadfield, he’s a Canadian Astronaut who’s been to space 3 times, the last as commander of the International Space Station (ISS). He’s also an excellent singer, songwriter, and

What if Suffering is More of an Honest Thing than a Bad Thing?

You keep using that word. Maybe it doesn’t mean what you think it means. In our fear-based society, probably the thing we fear the most is suffering. Realistically, more often than not, the fear of suffering is far worse than any suffering is or will be. Allow me to prove this to you. Have you ever had a boss or a loved one say, “We need to talk,” with no context? Did you then start to become concerned about what

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