The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Do Words Matter?

Words matter.

The words we say matter.  But what matters more are the words we think.  In especial, those we think frequently, and those we use in reference to ourselves.

Words MatterMost of us are thinking constantly.  Hell, for a lot of us, the very notion of turning off our brains seems totally impossible.  One of the reasons why meditation is so healthy is because when we meditate it’s one of the few times we can stop the chatter.

However, since most of the time it’s simply happening, when we let our subconscious just go along, we tend to let our unconsciousness create reality.  So rather than being aware of what we are thinking about, we just let the words in our heads flow.

Because consciousness creates reality, when we let our subconscious do the driving, we tend to forget that the self-talk we let ramble on inside our minds is a creator.

Words matter, because they are part of how the subconscious expresses itself.

What is my focus?

I am focusing on manifesting the life I most desire to have.  While I read and listen to a number of different self-help books and the like, I also write this blog three times a week.  Positivity is a focal point for Pathwalking, and a lot of this helps me to remind myself where I desire to be.

Note I said desire, not want.  It recently came to my attention that want is word of lack.  Words matter.  When working to create abundance, lack doesn’t serve.  Ergo, desire is more empowering.

It was an enormous privilege for me to attend a talk by my favorite non-fiction self-help guru author, Jen Sincero.  Her books, You are a Badass and You are a Badass at Making Money are clever, insightful, funny, and overall extremely approachable.  Of all the books of this type I have read or listened to, her books have had the greatest impact on me.

Like her books, her talk was clever, insightful and funny.  Further, for me it drove home several important points, one of which I am going to delve into with you here.  The importance, impact, and power of words.

Words you think or words you say have impact

We all have dialogues and phrases we toss our pretty frequently.  Many are almost subconscious.  Further, a lot of those get attached to the ever-powerful I AM.  What we tend to forget to recognize is that those phrases and dialogues are a part of the reality we are creating.

Ergo, when I say things like I don’t have enough money; I am old; My joints are sore and stiff; I’m fat; I am broken; I don’t know how that can be done; is it any surprise that I am looking to manifest a better reality than this?

It is far too easy to forget that these words matter as much as they do.  Words are so very powerful.  And when we speak, in particular about ourselves, we tend to invoke things.  Invocation leads to manifestation.

Conscious reality creation is the process of being aware of thoughts, feelings and actions in manifesting what you desire.  Yes, thought fueled by feeling leading to intentional action is how things are consciously created.  Words, too often taken for granted, are products of thought.

While most people recognize that badmouthing, gossiping, and speaking ill of others is not very productive, we still tend to give in to it.  Let’s be honest, when we are talking about the people in our lives, there are times that the conversations are not terribly complimentary.

That’s problematic because talking about others in this way is fairly unproductive, and we hope we are not the recipient of similar from them.

It is, however, far worse when we speak ill of ourselves.  The language we choose for our self-talk can be surprisingly devastating.  When we say negative things about ourselves, we can see what we think of ourselves.

Be Aware of how Words Matter

When I say these less-than-flattering and disempowering things about myself, I am, unfortunately, manifesting exactly that.  In my present reality, my weight is greater than I would like it to be; I am struggling with money; feeling old and sore; commenting frequently about various damaged bits of my body; and talking about not knowing how certain things I want to manifest can be done.

Jen Sincero, and all the rest of the self-help writers I have read or listened to, say the same thing.  Present reality is the result of past thought, feeling, actions and inactions.  As such, to change it, and consciously create what I truly desire, I need to change my thoughts and feelings in the now.

I have attempted to work with this before.  Yet something Jen Sincero said in her talk really resonated with me this time.  It’s not enough to just not think and talk or self-talk about myself negatively.  Time to take an intentional action, because I need to change the language.

I must actively change the words I use when I self-talk or speak about myself.  Thus, I am going to replace my negative talk with money is flowing to me; I am young; my joints are flexible and strong; I am in shape; I am solid; I know a way will be found.

Creating a new reality with words

Yes, this is not my present reality.  My bank account and my gut certainly tell a different tale.  However, to change these things, I need to take a more active and aggressive tack.

Consciousness creates reality.  In being aware of the things I think and say about myself, I can better change them.  I believe we live in an abundant Universe, and as such I believe my desires can be made manifest.

You might think I’m crazy, but if you know me, and you hear me say any of the negative statements laid out above, remind me I need to say my positive statements instead.  I need to do this until it stops feeling like bullshit, and then feels more genuine, because ultimately that’s how it will become reality.

Do or Do Not.  Words matter.  Intentional action underway.  As always, thank you for crossing the bridges between my worlds with me.


This is the eighty-third entry of my personal journey, the Crossing the Bridges series.  My collectively published writing can be found here.

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