The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What Do You Think?

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It’s not just what you say, it’s what you think.

Words matter.  It is not only spoken words, but written words we need to consider.  For some reason, the semi-anonymity of posting online has caused people to be incautious and unkind with what they put out there.  It takes very little for context to get skewed, or for someone to decide to stir a pot and create conflict on social media right now.

What do you think?But in many respects, what is more important to acknowledge is that thoughts matter quite a lot, too.  Being aware of what we think can make all the difference in how any given day goes.  If we allow our thoughts to lean towards the negative, odds are we will experience bad, negative things.

However, when we keep mindful of our thoughts, and we work to lean towards the positive, odds are we will experience good, positive things.

It’s important here to recognize that this is imperfect.  Why?  Because you and I have no control over the world us.  All sorts of outside influences can impact us at any given moment, and distract us away from intent, awareness, and mindfulness.

When this happens – and it will happen – we are each empowered to handle this.  Things happen that make us angry, hurt, sad, and otherwise negative.  How long we hold onto this, though, is up to us.

Remain under a dark cloud, or step out from beneath its influence?  This choice belongs entirely to you.  What you think will ultimately dominate what you say, how you feel, and your actions.  This is why being mindful of what we think is so important.

What you think is up to you

The one thing anyone has any even remote control over is our own thoughts, feelings, and actions.  We cannot do anything for anyone else, nor can they do for us.  Even if we do allow another to control us, we have chosen to cede control, and are still responsible for it.

The concept of mindfulness is super simple.  It is about being aware of what you think, what you feel, how you feel, and how you act from that.  Being aware of these matters is the key.  When you know what you are thinking et al, you can choose to stay there – or move on.

If your thoughts are dominated by negativity, you can choose to leave that place.  You get to decide if you prefer creating positivity for yourself.

You thinkIn addition to the online written thoughts shared, we tend to say things thoughtlessly.  This is not necessarily spoken at or to another, it more often is about ourselves.  When you are saying I am fat, I am lazy, I am a loser, I am a screw-up, I am unworthy and so on, you have opened a big window into your psyche.  Your thoughts have been put on display by your words…and you may not even have known this is what you think about yourself.

It’s not just what you say, it’s what you think.  When we are more mindful of our thoughts, we can use our words, spoken or written, to shift where we are at.  Are you working with negativity or positivity?  The answer may surprise you, and may open you up to a new and better way.

Finding positivity is not hard, but it does require action.

Knowing that it’s not just what you say, it’s what you think, you can see that you have the ability to create change that can improve your life.  When we work on being more mindful of our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions, we gain awareness of ourselves, from which we empower ourselves.  When we feel empowered, we become more aware and mindful, and tend to spread that feeling to others around us. As such, we can build more positive feelings.

We can use the positive feelings this generates to dissolve negative feelings. When we eradicate negative feelings, we open up space to let in more positive feelings, and that is something we can be grateful for.

Gratitude leads to happiness.  Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude.  An attitude of gratitude is a positive attitude that begets even more good energies, and that is always worthwhile.

This is the two-hundred and sixty-fourth entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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