The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Did You Take Action?

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When you had the opportunity, did you take action?

What do I mean by that?  It’s actually very simple.  Did you do that thing you planned to do?  The question is a matter of taking a plan – the thought; figuring out how to do it – the feeling; doing it – the action.

A lot of us are really good at coming up with ideas and giving them some thought.  Do we take action and make them happen?  Not as frequently as we should.

Did You Take ActionSome of these are small, and may or may-not have larger repercussions – such as – did you vote?  Did you remember to take your pills?  Some are larger, and almost certainly come with repercussions – such as – do you want to buy that house?  Are you quitting your “stable” job?

Consciousness creates reality.  However, in order to do this we need to have a thought/idea, give it feeling, and then take action.  Specifically, intentional actions to drive home the thought and empower it to be made manifest.

When we take action, when it is done with intent and focus, we are putting out to the Universe that we desire to create something.  It is through intentional action that we can consciously create reality, and build our lives to make what we desire for them to be.

Seems too easy, right?  Well it is.  So why doesn’t everyone do it?  Why do we not all build the lives we most desire?  Because we live in a fear-based society, where the exceptional and the independent are frequently looked upon askance, and anyone doing something out-of-the-ordinary from societal expectations is suspect.

The standard paths appear simpler and easier.  We are told that good enough is good enough.  When we accept that, we disempower ourselves.

Take action for change

Yoda stated it best, “Do or do not, there is no try.”  We are told by our parents, teachers, and other leaders that we can try over and over again.  But try is weak.  To try is to imply that we expect failure.  And fail, you might.  Failing, however, is ok, too.  Again, Yoda tells us, “The greatest teacher, failure is.”

Isn’t this a paradox?  No.  The reason is intention.  To try is weak, in that it implies that you will give it a chance, but have little to no expectation.  To do, on the other hand, is to be decisive.  You are acting on the impulse, going all in.  You aren’t raising the stakes by tossing in a poker chip or two, it’s all the chips before you.

Doing is a pure act of empowerment, telling the Universe that you will do the thing you desire to do, or have the thing you desire to have, and so on.

Trying can be half-assed, low-expectation, middle of the road.  Eh, it might work…it might not.

I know I have hammered on this point many times, but it’s so vitally important to not just be existing on this planet, and going about day to day half-heartedly. Finding and creating joy, and truly living these amazing lives on this incredible world we have available to us can be so much more.

Perhaps it helps to change the phrasing some.  “Intend or intend not, defy inertia” or “act or act not, there is no apathy.”  Like want can have passive and negative connotations as opposed to desire, try is passive where action and doing is active.

To truly create change there needs to be action.  Take action with intent to DO rather than TRY, and see what you might be able to create.

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Take action for yourself

In addition to us living in a fear-based society, we also have a pretty major problem with selfishness and entitlement.  There is a distressing lack of empathy and sympathy among our current government leaders, and under this administration a normalization of hate many of us thought was dying.

In this environment a lot of us feel we need to act for the greater good.  As such, we are particularly on guard against selfishness.  However, we have become so hyper-vigilant on this topic that we all-too-readily sacrifice for the perceived greater good.  Trouble is, sacrifice feeds into lack and scarcity and the fear-base of our society.

Voting is how we take action to change the government.  Protesting and marching takes action to draw attention to the injustices.  These matter…but it is equally important to take action for ourselves.  If we are not fulfilled, or discontent, we are going to lack the fuel we need to help others.  We can half-heartedly try because we lack sufficient energy to DO.

When we take action, we create movement.  An object at rest tends to stay at rest – an object in motion tends to stay in motion.  Newton’s first law of physics.  Science tells us that movement is necessary.  When we act, we set things in motion to make change.

Finally – if you did not take action in the past, it’s best not to dwell on it.  Everybody makes mistakes, misses opportunities, and decides not to decide from time to time.  Move on.  Learn from it.  But next time you are faced with a choice, make a decisive decision.  Take action to manifest a better life.

When you have the opportunity before you, will you take action?

This is the three-hundred fifty-eighth entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas for, and my personal experiences with, walking along the path of life to consciously create reality.  I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way, and empower myself and my readers with conscious reality creation.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share this.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available here.

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