The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What’s So Positive About Getting Shit Done?

Getting shit done feels good. When you’ve given something you’re doing a ton of focus and energy, and then finish, how does that make you feel? Have you ever put a great deal of effort into a project, and after it was done, felt a sense of elation, relief, and/or completeness? There’s something to be said for the power of getting shit done. Yet it’s all too easy to get so caught up in the various acts of doing that

I Owned Up to My Mistake and It Essentially Worked Out Okay

When you own up to a mistake accountability is empowering. I presently work 3 jobs. First and foremost – I work for myself. Writer, editor, storyteller, podcaster, blogger, etc. I’m taking action and doing things to build the life I most desire to have for myself. Secondly, I’ve been working for this amazing entrepreneur for the last year. She has multiple businesses and tons of amazing ideas. I am both her personal assistant and the managing director of her brands

Are You Just Spinning Your Wheels or Are You Going Somewhere?

Feeling like you’re just spinning your wheels can be frustrating and infuriating. Ever have that feeling that you’re in motion, but not going anywhere? It’s akin to a car being stuck in the mud, on sand, or on ice. Your tires spin and spin and spin – but you don’t move. Sometimes, you do move – just really, really, slowly. Too slowly to feel like any movement is occurring. That’s a feeling I think many of us deal with from

What Does Genuine, Real Productivity Look Like?

Productivity – like beauty and perfection – is in the eye of the beholder. There are many days when I don’t feel that I am sufficiently productive. I know there are several reasons for this. First – I do not work a standard Monday-Friday, 9-5 job. Truth is, I work anywhere between about 8am and 11pm. Also, I don’t necessarily only work Monday – Friday. There are times I put in some work on Saturday or Sunday, two. Second –

New Path – or – An Old Path Anew?

Am I embarking on a new path or just living the definition of insanity? This quote is attributed to Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Whether or not Einstein did in fact say this, the point is valid. How else can you explain trying the same thing again and again – with little to no change – and expecting the result to change? This is not the notion of seeking

How Does Self-Motivation Work?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Self-motivation is a particularly challenging topic. This is something that is problematic for nearly everyone.  However, if you are dealing with depression, and/or anxiety, it can be even more difficult. What IS self-motivation?  It is finding our own inner-resources in order to motivate ourselves to do things.  Sometimes they are big things, sometimes small.  Finding motivation generally begins with the self, though we frequently go out-of-our-way to

What Does It Mean to Do It?

Do it.  Two simple words that have amazingly tremendous power. There is something to be said for planning.  Some people need plans to do the things they do in this life.  And there is equally something to be said for impulsiveness, too.  Sometimes you just gotta go go go.  But whatever you are looking at, action is required.  That means you have to do it. For many, myself included, doing one thing led to fear that it would or could

Am I Worthy and Deserving?

I am worthy and deserving of awesomeness in my life. It’s interesting how often I need to remind myself of this.  There have been many instances where I do not feel as though I deserve to have the things I desire in my life. Crossing the Bridges is the most personal of my weekly posts.  I am exploring not only my philosophies and approaches to life, but my actual, factual life. In Positivity I pointed out that YOU are amazing! 

How Joy Empowers Us

Living in joy is the ultimate goal. I don’t want to spend my time at a desk, working for someone I might not entirely respect, doing something that bores me.  Life is just too short for that.  Rather, I want to do something that makes me happy. Have you ever been told that “You have to work for a living” or “you gotta do what you gotta do” or “you have to make ends meet” or similar?  Likely, I suspect

How is Pathwalking a Challenge?

I have a lot on my mind right now, and choosing a topic has been an interesting challenge. I have been presented with the opportunity to well and truly walk my path.  This has put me in a position where I can work on setting the schedule I desire, make the use of my time I most want to.  Further, this has afforded me a chance to work on building the destiny I most want from my life. While I