The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Am I Lying to Myself?

I don’t think so – but it’s possible I am lying to myself. The only person who can truly know me, in-depth, is me. This is because there is nobody but me here inside of my head, heart, and soul. No matter how much I connect with anyone else – in any way, shape, or form – I’m still the only one in here. The only person capable of getting at my motivations, recognizing my beliefs, values, and habits is

Move Past Yesterday

Whether it was good or bad, yesterday has come and gone. When I write about yesterday, I’m not necessarily referring to the day before today. Yesterday, in this context, is mostly referring to the past. Many people get stuck in their lives because of the past. Things great and small, personal and impersonal hold them back. Some yearn for a return to yesterday – while others would like nothing better than to recreate the past the same in the future.

Don’t Trip Over How

Along any given path it’s easy to trip over how It’s been a decade since I began to seek, find, and walk my chosen path. This has occurred in fits and starts, with some success here and achievement there. But there is one hurdle, one obstacle that still tends to trip me up. How. Further, this gets complicated by walking the line of reality as it is now versus as it could be via conscious reality creation. I know where

Where Am I Now?

Answering the question “where am I now?” is a first step in conscious reality creation. The philosophy of Pathalking, when all is said and done, is about using conscious reality creation to direct the journey. Knowing what you desire to create for your life, and how you’d like it to look, provide the goal. However, the future is not yet written. To get anywhere ahead of where you are now – you need to know where you are now. Many

Balancing Mindfulness Within and Without

Nobody lives in a vacuum. Balancing mindfulness within and without provides perspective on this. The last four years – at least here in the United States – have been tumultuous. One of the biggest takeaways from all that has transpired has been a new impression of people. We’ve seen some of the best of humanity – as well as some of the worst. There have been amazing examples of generosity, love, caring, kindness, and compassion. But then, there have also

This Too Shall Pass

Yes, this situation has been rough – but this too shall pass. Hard to believe that COVID-19 has been impacting our world for over a year. For most people, the impact was felt hardest when the nation shut down briefly in late March/early April of 2020. A shut down that was too brief to positively impact matters. Because of a lot of false narratives, focus on the economy over public health, and denial of the severity of the pandemic –

Why Do We Stumble on Our Paths?

You stumble because it’s more about the path than the end goal. Today is another day. It is full of potential, possibilities, and other great stuff. If that’s how you perceive your reality. For some, today is another day. But it’s full of fear, distress, uncertainty, woe, and other awful stuff. Both these perceptions are on the personal level. I’m not even going to go into the high-level happenings (such as the inauguration). YOU get to choose – every single

My Way is Mine – Your Way is Yours – Is There Common Ground?

Just because my way is mine doesn’t mean we can’t find some common ground (within reason). We are closing in on having 8 billion people on this planet. Let me write that out – that’s 8,000,000,000 people. Let’s say you know, personally, 100 people total. Maybe not well, but for the sake of argument, it’s a good round number. That means that you know 0.00000000125 of the total number of people on this planet. That’s a SUPER small number of

Breaking New Ground

Intentional change is a matter of breaking new ground. Every day is a new day. Cliché, right? That doesn’t make it any less true. Every single day of your life is different from the day before. To be fair, many days are similar. But that doesn’t mean they’re the same. Because they aren’t. It has taken me a long time to reconcile this. For years, I was always looking ahead from today to tomorrow – while also chewing on past

A Change of Perspective

While my perspective has changed throughout my life, I still need a change of perspective today. It is all too easy to look at what you do not have. The things that you have not yet accomplished, the ongoing processes and insufficient results, and on and on. Despite my philosophy and conscious reality creation work, I still find myself looking at what I haven’t got yet. For example – I’m still not earning the kind of money I believe that