The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Am I In An Open Cell But Unable to Leave It?

This is all about trauma, change, and the reality of what comfort zones are. Life is crazy. So much is happening out there, is it any wonder we’re all losing our minds? Here’s my personal dilemma. My therapist and I have seen numerous ways that I’ve improved my life. Overall, I’m in a really good place. Yet, for some reason, I feel stuck. The reason? Because somewhere in the back of my brain, I feel like I’m missing something. What

Why Does Everything Come With A Lesson?

Learning is essential to your life experience. Everything you do, everything that just happens, every experience you have, anyone you meet, anywhere you go, will teach you a lesson. Some lessons don’t manifest immediately, others are instantaneous, and still others appear one way but turn out to be another. Even the greatest minds to ever live, the smartest, wisest, and most educated on the planet today, and those who are yet to come can’t and don’t know everything. Nobody can

The Question Is, How Will This Impact Me, If At All?

Before you get swept up in the happenings of the world, ask this question. It’s super easy to get caught up in the happenings of the world around us. If you spend even the slightest amount of time on social media, you’ll be drawn into the world outside, beyond your life. Sometimes you’re only drawn as far as the circumstances and drama of your friends, family, coworkers, and other connections. Other times, you are drawn further out, into national and

Why is it Always Better to Choose Than Not to Choose?

Choice is how you can take control of your life experience. Quite possibly the single greatest superpower that we have is choice. The rest of the animal kingdom on this planet largely have a very set life path. Survive, find food and shelter, propagate the species, protect them, and keep surviving. Simple, really. Humans, however, have choices, like to merely survive or thrive. Some are the product of environment, privilege, birth, etc. However, most are inherent to all and are

Why Is It So Hard to Just Be Yourself?

Nobody is at fault or to blame, but neither does anyone tend to teach you this. Two of the most distressing things that dominate our society are the expectations of others and the “shoulds.” Early in our lives, before we’re even scientifically capable of self-awareness, our parents and other family members guide us. Eventually it moves from guidance to direction. Instilling good habits in the young is very useful throughout life. Brush your teeth twice a day, fasten your seatbelt

Can You Have Guides Along Your Paths in Life?

Yes, but recognize the difference between guidance, obedience, and blind faith. I frequently point out that you, and you alone, live in your head, heart, and soul. Nobody else is in there, it’s only you. Hence, you’re the only one who can think, feel, intend, and act for you. All choices for your life belong to you alone. Nobody else can live your life for you. Neither can anyone else control you unless you cede any form of control to

You Don’t Need to Reclaim Your Past to Heal Your Past

You can only learn from the past but can’t return to it. Do you have trauma from your past? Have you experienced pain, suffering, sadness, and the like? If you’re human, then you probably have had some or all of the above experiences. Some of them you probably don’t ever desire to recall or return to again. But some you might desire to redo or undo, and others you might desire to return to – with what you know now

Why Is It That Uncertainty is Always So Certain?

How can you recognize, accept, and even find positivity in uncertainty? I’ve written time and again that the one and only constant in the Universe is change. It’s the only constant, but by no means the only universal truth. There are others. These include the fact that every single person on the planet – you, me, and everyone – will experience these three things: Birth, life, and death. The simplicity of this notion can feel harsh to some. But on

Do You Face Your Fears or Live Life Afraid?

This is always a choice. And the choice is always yours. About the only certainty in life is uncertainty. No matter what and how you plan, no matter what you prepare – the uncertain might well get in your way. That’s because the one and only constant in the universe is change. And most change is utterly outside of your control. This is where – I believe – almost every fear you and I face is based. After years of

Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

This is a new and fascinating challenge. Walking my own talk isn’t easy. Despite being a champion for mindfulness, conscious reality creation, and sharing my Pathwalking philosophy every week – I’m not always good at practicing what I share. There are all sorts of reasons behind this. Please note – I am making no excuses here. This is an honest evaluation of how I don’t always walk my talk. I can be easily distracted. I know ADHD is a serious

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