The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 207

Discipline for some does not come easily. I have always had issues with disciplining myself. Whether it was my diet, my writing and editing time or anything else requiring focus and attention – I have regularly found it challenging to hold to what needs to happen to get where I want to go. I have made a lot of effort in this department to address this problem. Acknowledging my lack of discipline is the first step, but admittedly there have

Pathwalking 206

Sometimes you might be wrong. Every choice we make will produce an effect of some sort. While we desire a good effect or a successful outcome – from time to time we won’t get it. This is a perfectly normal and ok thing. Everybody makes mistakes. The key is what do you do with your mistakes? Some people plod through. They continue along that path, despite its obvious problems. Tenacity can be a good thing, but it can also be

Pathwalking 205

Giving is not necessarily a physical thing. Giving can certainly involve things. But I find that the intangibles we give are often far more powerful than the tangibles. We give of our time, we give from our hearts, we give advice, we give opinions. All of these intangibles can carry a lot of weight. Giving is important to Pathwalking because it is a part of our living in an abundant universe. The ability to give is a sign that we

Pathwalking 166

What is it I want from my life? Where do I want to take this path to? Who do I really want to be? Now that I have identified the real fear that causes me to sabotage myself, that being the fear of loss, what chances do I want to take that would lead to succeeding or failing? What is it I want to gain from my success or failure? This is a very hard question for me to answer.

Pathwalking 165

How do I overcome my fears so that I can stop from sabotaging myself again? This is a question I have never directly asked myself before, and now that I have it is time to explore it, and find some answers. The first step is to identify my fears. As mentioned previously, I have an equal fear of failure and success. However, even knowing that these are the two greatest fears that cause me to sabotage myself, they are not

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