The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 205

Giving is not necessarily a physical thing.

Giving can certainly involve things. But I find that the intangibles we give are often far more powerful than the tangibles.

We give of our time, we give from our hearts, we give advice, we give opinions. All of these intangibles can carry a lot of weight.

Giving is important to Pathwalking because it is a part of our living in an abundant universe. The ability to give is a sign that we are abundant and willing and able to share that abundance.

One of the largest issues in our society today is our lack mentality. We live every day with the notion of numerous scarcities and things that are lacking, which makes it hard to see abundance. What’s more, those in power, whether political or economic, have become hoarders, taking and taking and seldom giving in any sense. These are the examples we are inundated with.

When we give, we affirm our own abundance, and more we share that abundance. Like attracts like, and as such when we give more, we receive more.

Often we take this into the physical realm. Money is important for everything we need, let alone everything we might want but currently do not have. We often donate money to causes and consider that act of giving sufficient.

It is my belief that we have far more to give, and that which we can give is of higher value. We have innumerable intangibles, and they can shape the world in ways the tangibles wish they could.

Let’s look at giving time. We have needs, we have things that we need to do. But sometimes others need our help.   We can give them a ride, listen to their issues, we can engage them in conversation, but most of all we can give them time. By giving our time, we gain time for ourselves. We can feel good about helping our friends and family.

We can give from our hearts. The power of a hug can be pretty incredible. Being a shoulder to cry on can give someone strength they need to replenish. Giving love when those we care about need it brings love back to us and then some.

We can give advice. It’s important of course to make certain before we give that those we pass it to wish to receive it. I presume if you are taking the time to read my Pathwalking, then you want me to give you what advice I might.

Along that same line, we can give an opinion. Once again, this is important to be done willingly, and not shoved down someone’s throat. In an open debate we will give our opinions, and consider them whether we agree or no.

This leads into an important factor about giving. There is a fine line between giving and sacrificing. Giving is about abundance. Giving says I have more than enough and I want to share. Sacrifice is about lack. Sacrificing says I will give you what I have while I go without for myself. Sacrificing will not help you to walk your path.

Why? Because sacrificing means you do not believe there is enough. When you believe in lack, when you think that there are insufficiencies in what the Universe has to offer, you will be unable to walk your path. Pathwalking is about finding, choosing and then traveling along your own path. There is going to be a lot of give and take along the way as such, and if you think that there is not enough for you along your journey, it will not go as you might hope.

Why is giving important to Pathwalking? Because while my path is mine and mine alone, the philosophy behind the finding and the choosing of it is not. This leans towards the lack mentality. Lack mentality might thing, the universe only has a finite number of Paths, and if I give of mine there will not be enough. If we come to view our existence in this manner, we will wind up creating it as such.

Once again I reiterate – consciousness creates reality. If I think that there is not enough, if I believe that the Universe is finite and that we will run out of – whatever – then I am going to create that. That’s the Law of Attraction, that is how our paths are made by ourselves, and that is why giving is so important.

Giving the intangibles is both easier and more powerful than giving the tangibles. This is because the things connected to emotions and actions are infinite. Sure, we can make and acquire more physical things, but they are not always right at hand. The intangibles are.

I believe that if we are all more willing to give in the spirit of abundance, we can make this world a far better place. There is not a shortage of caring, of love, of generosity, of kindness, of solicited advice and opinions, of time, or of any other intangible. These are infinitely abundant, and giving them opens us up to receive more.

Giving in abundance is more sharing than giving. We get back the positive energy we put in, and we can only gain from the effort. Our lives become enriched, our paths can be broadened and made easier, and the people we care about know that we care for them as much as they care for us.

You can also give to yourself. By giving yourself love and affection and strong self-talk, you are better able to think, feel and act intentionally to create the world you desire.

Remember, if you do not think you have enough to give, know that the Universe is abundant, and that you have more than enough to give. From that perspective, start giving.

Giving is not necessarily a physical thing, but whatever form it takes it can help us manifest the lives we desire.

What have you given recently?


This is the two-hundred fifth entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas and my personal experiences in walking along the path of life.  I share this journey as part of my personal desire to make a difference in this world along the way.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available in print and for your Kindle.

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