The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What If You Could Program Your Brain Like a Computer?

Spoiler alert – you can totally program your brain like a computer. The human brain is an incredibly complex piece of machinery. Everything the brain does – whether on the unconscious, subconscious, or conscious level – is simply astounding. Without our unique, complex, multifaceted brains, we’d be far more like the rest of the animal kingdom. Human beings are the only animals on this planet who can adapt to any environment, communicate instantaneously around the globe via artificial electronics, and

Why Didn’t You Know What I Thought You Should/Would Know?

Communication is the key to everything in all relationships. Have you ever thought that you told someone something or held a conversation that you didn’t? Did you ever go through – in your head – a whole discussion, then forgot that it never truly occurred?  And then, have you gotten mad at the other party because they didn’t know what you thought that they should and/or would know? Odds are, either you’ve experienced this – or been on the receiving

Do Your Inactions Speak Louder Than Words?

The intersection of words, actions, and inactions gives us control over our lives and the paths we choose. One of the greatest failings of many politicians is their lack of actions. They talk, and talk, and talk a whole lot about the wonderful things they do or will do – but do nothing actually useful. Frankly, in many cases, their real profession is lying. Hence, inactions speak louder than words. This doesn’t apply to only politicians, business leaders, religious leaders,

Do You Need to Do Impressive Things to Make a Difference in the World?

No. You just need to do the best and be the best you can. I’m a big fan of audiobooks. When I recently came across Chris Hadfield’s An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth and saw he was also the narrator, I had to download it. If you’re unfamiliar with Colonel Chris Hadfield, he’s a Canadian Astronaut who’s been to space 3 times, the last as commander of the International Space Station (ISS). He’s also an excellent singer, songwriter, and

Do You Think You’re the Only One Feeling Uncertain?

Spoiler alert – you’re not the only one. Though we tend not to talk about it in this way – COVID-19 changed the world. First, we learned that many people, in the face of a public health crisis, will take extraordinary steps to protect themselves, those they care about, and even total strangers. We also learned that many people will take advantage of a public health crisis for personal gain, are horridly selfish, self-centered, and that they couldn’t care less

Why Don’t Negative Thoughts, Feelings, and Actions Bring Positive Outcomes?

This is obvious, right? And yet… I’ve met many people who are constant complainers. This is wrong, that’s not right, those things are imperfect. People, places, things – they will find something to complain about. What’s funny about this – not funny – is that they frequently add a complaint even to something good. We had a great experience at that restaurant – except for the waitress or It was a great rental car, but it smelled like air freshener

What Is a Cost Analysis of Life Choices?

Every choice you make has a cost. This is highly variable and subjective. Sir Isaac Newton’s Third Law of Motion states, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This is applicable, however, beyond the laws of motion. For anything and everything that you do – literal or figurative – there will be a reaction. Some approach this from the notion that actions have consequences. I look at it as every choice you make is an action you

The Positivity of Being Your Truest Self Isn’t Easy

But it’s totally worth it – because you are worth it. Are you your genuine self? Maybe, like me, you’ve worn different masks in various situations. This was the “self” you presented to specific audiences, for diverse reasons. One mask at work, one at school, one for friends, one for family, one in private, one in public. Group ‘X’ of people you spend time with get one mask, while group ‘Y’ gets another. There’s nothing evil, dishonest, or deceitful in

When the People Who Share My Heart Don’t Get Me?

How do I handle this along life’s paths? My family largely doesn’t get me. They love me, I know that. But they don’t get me. What does that mean? I do things, take approaches to matters, and live in ways that cause them to scratch their heads, wonder how I can possibly be content or happy this way, and probably question my sanity. My dating habits and relationship choices in my 20s and 30s made no sense to them. That

Be Yourself – Because You Can’t be Anyone Else – And That’s Good

Just remember – being yourself is not a license to be a dick. Who are you? This is a massively loaded question. Who you are can vary depending on the time of day, the company you’re keeping, your mood, and numerous other factors. The short answer is that you are you. No matter what happens, the only one in your head, heart, and soul is you. Yet being yourself can be challenging because of the need to be accepted. You

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