The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

One Day at a Time

Today isn’t yesterday. Tomorrow won’t be today. One day at a time. When I was younger, I was super high-strung. It didn’t take a lot for me to get out-of-sorts. And my temper? Yeah, there were numerous walls and doors over the years I put a fist or foot into in anger. I know I wrecked a whole bunch of my cordless phones by throwing them in my 20s. During my 30s, following the nearly crippling accident that made me

Why Be Mindful?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Why is being mindful all the rage in the self-help world?  I can tell you that there is more than one answer, and they are likely all right, and all wrong at the same time. The concept of mindfulness and being mindful takes in a lot of different approaches.  Meditation, psychiatry, self-help and philosophy all apply the idea in order to better ourselves and enrich our lives.

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is self-awareness.  It is knowing what you are thinking, how you are feeling, and who you are intent on being. It’s continuously amazing to me how easily we lose sight of mindfulness.  We get caught up in all the things around us, the attitudes and feelings of the people we surround ourselves with, and that in turn can overtake our own mindfulness. Why is this important?  When someone is telling you about their bad day, or you are reading

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